On Sun, Aug 28, 2011 at 1:55 PM, Jim Henderson <hende...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I updated to r28089 yesterday and have noticed a significant number of
> problems with wireless since then.
> The hardware is a D-Link DIR-825.  I only use Radio0 for my wireless.
> Normally, I can stream video without any problems to our Playstation over
> the wireless network, but yesterday when I tried (after updating), I kept
> getting the dreaded DLNA 2104 error, and the PS3 kept dropping off
> Playstation Network as well.
> I also tried extended network operations using a Dell D610 laptop running
> openSUSE 11.4, and it also kept getting knocked off the network.  It also
> intermittently couldn't even get an IP address.

I've seen similar issues with a similar revision. I'm currently
testing 28096, and I'm not yet seeing any issues. Hopefully the bump
to the newest wireless drivers has improved the situation.

Out of curiosity, are you using wpa or wpa2 encryption? Does your
router log show any strange errors?

> When I started updating from SVN today, I noticed the first couple of
> files changed since building yesterday seemed related to wireless, so I
> thought I'd ask if anyone else is seeing similar issues.
> Jim

~Jonathan Bennett
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