Hi Lukas,

On Thu, 2011-08-11 at 08:13 +0200, Lukas Macura wrote:
> So, I really do not want to SPAM on this conference, but my question
> is:
> - Should OpenWrt take care of this scenarios? Or it is package
> specific and every package which needs things like this should do it
> by itself?
> There are four scenarios and we want to choose best one:
> - implement it in  application by its way
> - implement some delayed postinst in opkg (sounds like bigger hack)
> - implement using hook to firstboot() (but in that case, it will not 
> work as module)
> - create some /lib/postinst.sh with functions like was_run() , 
> [snip] 

Again, any script in /etc/uci-defaults gets executed on bootup before
any of the packages installed are started. After the scripts
in /etc/uci-defaults are finished, they are deleted, never to be run

This seems like what you are proposing here in your 3rd item in the list
above, but it is already there :)

These scripts can perform anything you like, including starting up
another process that you require during that script. There's nothing
specific to UCI there, except that the boot process is far enough to be
able to use uci but has not started anything further yet.

So, is your problem that you want stuff to get triggered after ipkg
install, on an already running system, or what is the problem (sorry if
I'm too dense to pick it up from your mail :$)



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