On Fri, 13 May 2011 14:47:38 -0000
"OpenWrt" <openwrt-devel@lists.openwrt.org> wrote:

> #6920: Siemens SL2-141 Support
> ---------------------------------------+------------------------------------
>  Reporter:  ironmaiden666@…            |       Owner:
> cshore Type:  task                       |      Status:
> accepted Priority:  response-needed            |   Milestone:
> Attitude Adjustment (trunk) Component:  other
> |     Version:  Trunk Keywords:                             |  
> ---------------------------------------+------------------------------------
> Comment(by codi):
>  Replying to [comment:21 cshore]:
>  > Could anyone who is able to risk bricking their router when I get
>  > them
>  to test for me let me know?  I don't have this hardware to test, and
> I am ashamed to admit I forgot this ticket.
>  I bought a second device just for this case. It has the "normal"
> Firmware on it, not the one from Alice.

Please bug me in about a week (sorry very busy right now), but if you
don't send an new email it's liable this one will be forgotten.

<erno> hm. I've lost a machine.. literally _lost_. it responds to ping, 
it works completely, I just can't figure out where in my apartment it
is. GnuPG Key Fingerprint 86 F5 81 A5 D4 2E 1F 1C      http://gnupg.org

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