
I'm facing an interesting porting challenge : one of the program which is to be installed on our target is compressed using upx. As you may know, upx-compressed programs are not to be stripped (strip removes everything but the stub, resulting in a 300 bytes program that does nothing but crashing ; that's not very usefull).

The problem is here : OpenWRT's package-ipkg.mk automatically strip any executables it finds right after Package/X/install. The relevant code snippet is (from trunk/include/package-ipkg.mk [1], line 90 to 95):

$$(IPKG_$(1)): $(STAMP_BUILT)
            @rm -rf $(PACKAGE_DIR)/$(1)_* $$(IDIR_$(1))
            mkdir -p $(PACKAGE_DIR) $$(IDIR_$(1))/CONTROL
            $(call Package/$(1)/install,$$(IDIR_$(1)))
-find $$(IDIR_$(1)) -name 'CVS' -o -name '.svn' -o -name '.#*' | $(XARGS) rm -rf
            $(RSTRIP) $$(IDIR_$(1))

To avoid this, I do something that I find quite bad (and I'm sure you'll agree with me): I added a PKG_NO_STRIP variable in my package Makefile, and I modified package-ipkg.mk :

Index: openwrt/include/package-ipkg.mk
--- openwrt/include/package-ipkg.mk    (revision 3671)
+++ openwrt/include/package-ipkg.mk    (working copy)
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
     $(call Package/$(1)/install,$$(IDIR_$(1)))
     mkdir -p $(PACKAGE_DIR)
-find $$(IDIR_$(1)) -name 'CVS' -o -name '.svn' -o -name '.#*' | $(XARGS) rm -rf
-    $(RSTRIP) $$(IDIR_$(1))
+    [ ! -n "$$(PKG_NO_STRIP)" ] && $(RSTRIP) $$(IDIR_$(1))

     ifneq ($$(KEEP_$(1)),)
         @( \

(this is not the version present in the openwrt trunk, but you get the trick).

I think this solution is sub-optimal - but then, I believe the whole install process is suboptimal (from a versatility point of view). You can change the behavior of all major build step - but you can only select the files that are to be installed (using Package/X/install). It would be nice to be able to allow a user to specify a different stripping behavior (or no behavior at all). There are many cases where such a possibility would be useful:

* if you don't want (some or all) your binaries to be stripped at all
* if you want to use different stripping parameters (for example strip --only-keep-debug + objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink) * if you want to use another software to "strip" the binaries (for instance, upx).

It's now the time to write down a few questions :

+ Do you think that a configurable strip target (for example Package/X/strip, which defaults to Package/strip/Default) makes sense ?
+ Do you have any other idea ?

Best regards,

-- Emmanuel Deloget

[1] https://dev.openwrt.org/browser/trunk/include/package-ipkg.mk#L75

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