Is there any interest in this?

Is it better packaged separately?

Also, as a side note, it does present another challenge ... all packages included in the image are enabled by default, this means these things would startup automatically the first time around .... could be enhanced to include a config string containing those packages not to auto-enable. I'm happy to implement, but if nobody is interested then I'll just keep it to my local repository.



Begin forwarded message:

From: Lee Essen <>
Date: 18 February 2011 08:48:00 GMT
Subject: [PATCH] start selected services after block mount

This patch adds /etc/hotplug.d/block/60-services that will look for "service" entries in /etc/config/fstab against a given mount and start them once the mount has been completed by the hotplug system. 

This is to solve the problem of usb devices being mounted after most of the rc system has completed, therefore any services that are intended to write to a mounted filesystem either fail or end up writing to the mount point prior to the mount.

An example config:

config 'mount'
option 'enabled' '1'
option 'device' '/dev/sda1'
option 'target' '/site'
option 'fstype' 'ext4'
option 'options' 'rw,noatime'
list 'service' 'syslog-ng'
list 'service' 'collectd'

Signed-off-by: Lee Essen <>

Attachment: block_mount_svcs.patch
Description: Binary data

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