On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 1:35 PM, John Clark <jcl...@metricsystems.com>wrote:

> I have seen this message emited by the resulting OpenWRT package for my
> Atheros AP83 based system.
> I had been using a snapshot of OpenWRT from March 2010, which did not have
> this problem. However
> for any of the kernels I have tried,, 2.6.36, 2.6.37, all have
> this error message.
> In addition, when I use Station mode and associate two devices that are
> running OpenWRT, I get incredibly
> flaky iperf numbers, with packet losses going up to 10% on a 10 mbs stream.
> Whereas when I use
> a non-OpenWRT station, with an OpenWRT AP, I get almost no loss on the 10
> mbs stream, and can
> get up to 30-40 mbs with 'some loss'.
> So, the question is, what has happened since last March with the linux
> ath9k driver support?

What's the exact error?  I've see something similar in my dmesg:

   ath: Failed to stop TX DMA in 100 msec after killing last frame

However, I get great performance regardless.  Able to pull 150 mbit/s actual
in a 2x2 MIMO configuration.

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