This patch implements a structure inside the Kirkwood Target to support the variety of boards available that use the Marvell Kirkwood SoC.
Presently there is a default target for the Sheevaplug. The Seagate Dockstar is similar but due to kernel differences I separated into 2 Targets: GlobalScale and CloudEngines, each with one Profile for now. Someone is already working on GuruPlug for OpenWRT, that would be another Profile under GlobalScale. GlobalScale manufactures GuruPlug, GuruPlug Plus, Sheevaplug. CloudEngines manufactures PogoPlug V1 and V2, Seagate Dockstar (aka Redstone) and perhaps others. The Dockstar profile has USB built in, this supports booting from /dev/sda1 as the default u-boot does not support usb. Also included is ntpclient because the Dockstar has no battery backup for its RTC. I am including the patch as an attachment as I am certain that Outlook will replace tabs with spaces. Signed-off-by: Gerrit Visser Regards, Gerrit Visser
Description: Binary data
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