Hi Roland,

Le Friday 30 July 2010 21:59:53, Roland Mieslinger a écrit :
> Hi
> I'm new on this list. I'm trying to run openwrt on my guruplug (Marvel
> kirkwood platform). You can find more information about this device
> here: http://www.globalscaletechnologies.com/c-4-guruplugs.aspx)
> While GuruPlug is mentioned in the Backfire release announcement, the
> support for it is missing in the released kernel. There are a bunch of
> patches around for kernel 2.6.33, so I started to integrate this into
> the build system. Someday, maybe, this will have the quality to be
> integrated into the dev tree, so I'm trying to make things right from
> the beginning.
> As I'm new to openwrt, I have some, maybe stupid questions:
> I've checked out svn://svn.openwrt.org/openwrt/trunk and made the
> following modifications in target/linux/kirkwood to build a 2.6.33
> kernel.
> D    target/linux/kirkwood/patches (rename to patches-2.6.30)
> D    target/linux/kirkwood/config-default (rename to config-2.6.30)
> A  + target/linux/kirkwood/config-2.6.30
> A  + target/linux/kirkwood/patches-2.6.30
> A    target/linux/kirkwood/config-2.6.33
> M    target/linux/kirkwood/Makefile
> A    target/linux/kirkwood/patches-2.6.33
> A    target/linux/kirkwood/patches-2.6.33/0001-Kirkwood-Marvell-...
> A    target/linux/kirkwood/patches-2.6.33/0002-Driver-for-Marvell-....
> A    target/linux/kirkwood/patches-2.6.33/0003-Initial-defconfig.patch
> Is this the correct way to integrate a new kernel release?

Yes, this is the correct way to integrate a new kernel version.

> The file config-2.6.33 is quite huge (39k), compared to most other
> kernel config files and the config-2.6.30 (4k). So I think I have
> a lot of unneeded/unwanted options enabled.

The final kernel configuration for a specific target is generated from the 
corresponding kernel version config in target/linux/generic/config-2.6.x and 
target-specific kernel configuration bits in target/linux/kirkwood/config-2.6.x 
(using the kconfig.pl script).

> Is there a list of modules/options that should be, or not, in the
> default config?

To make sure you only have the required things, you should proceed like that:
- enable all packages in menuconfig (including kernel modules), this might need 
a rm .config, then make menuconfig again
- run make kernel_menuconfig and save the config
- the updated kernel configuration is in target/linux/kirkwood/config-2.6.x

This should produce the very stripped-down configuration for your target.

> There are few device specific kernel modules (eg. wireless, bluetooth)
> what's the correct way to deal with them? I assume they should be built
> as separate packages, as not all kirkwood based devices need them.

Exactly, if they are not packaged, they should be packaged in 

> If so, what's the suggested naming convention?
> Thanks for your help

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