
this patch extends the dnsmasq initscript with an option for bogus-nxdomain.

>From the manpage:

-B, --bogus-nxdomain=<ipaddr>
    Transform replies which contain the IP address given into "No such domain" 
replies. This is intended to counteract a devious move made by Verisign in 
September 2003 when they started returning the address of an advertising web 
page in response to queries for unregistered names, instead of the correct 
NXDOMAIN response. This option tells dnsmasq to fake the correct response when 
it sees this behaviour. As at Sept 2003 the IP address being returned by 
Verisign is 

Example configuration blocking German ISPs Alice and Kabel Deutschland:

config 'dnsmasq'
    list 'bogusnxdomain' ''
    list 'bogusnxdomain' ''

Signed-Off-By: Mickey Knox <mic...@netfreaks.org>

--- package/dnsmasq/files/dnsmasq.init  (Revision 22184)
+++ package/dnsmasq/files/dnsmasq.init  (Arbeitskopie)
@@ -53,6 +53,10 @@
        append args "-H $1"
+append_bogusnxdomain() {
+       append args "-B $1"
 dnsmasq() {
        local cfg="$1"
        append_bool "$cfg" authoritative "-K"
@@ -83,6 +87,7 @@
        config_list_foreach "$cfg" "interface" append_interface
        config_list_foreach "$cfg" "notinterface" append_notinterface
        config_list_foreach "$cfg" "addnhosts" append_addnhosts
+       config_list_foreach "$cfg" "bogusnxdomain" append_bogusnxdomain
        append_parm "$cfg" "leasefile" "-l"
        append_parm "$cfg" "resolvfile" "-r"
        append_parm "$cfg" "tftp_root" "--tftp-root"

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