I'm trying to build my first package, hopefully I can contribute it if
I can make it good enough!

It is a perl (file::rsyncp) module... but I think I've drilled down to
the real problem. By using V=99 I can see what it is running for the
perl Config.PM:

perl Makefile.PL
INSTALLSITELIB=/usr/lib/perl5/5.10 INSTALLSITEARCH=/usr/lib/perl5/5.10
Writing Makefile for File::RsyncP::Digest
Writing Makefile for File::RsyncP::FileList
Writing Makefile for File::RsyncP

But, this is not enough, because when it build the makefiles the extra
shell arguments are not exported to Digest and Filelist, and therefore
they miss out on the whole cross compiling stuff, and it fails:

expected /Config.pm
Your perl and your Config.pm seem to have different ideas about the
architecture they are running on."

I can manually build this by exporting the variables in my shell and
"make", but of course t his won't fly for a real package.

Can someone hint me towards how to properly configure the make file to
make this correctly make the Make files?  Attached is my make file,
shamelessly modified from perl-compress-bzip2.


Attachment: Makefile
Description: Binary data

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