I have a problem with Backfire's SDK, generated by compilation:

OS: Ubuntu GNU/Linux 9.10 up to date. x86-32bits
OpenWRT version: backfire (downloaded via svn)
guest arch: ar71xx

1) create a dir where to download openwrt (/usr/src/weird_dir)
2) svn co svn://svn.openwrt.org/openwrt/branches/backfire
3) make defconfig ; make menuconfig #choose ar71xx and Build SDK
4) make
5) Go to another computer, or rename /usr/src/weird_dir (/usr/src/weird_dir_2)
6) Unpack the generated SDK
7) In the SDK get a very very tiny package tha surely shoud work
(fortune-mod) and put it in package/ dir
8) make in the SDK, fails de linker.

grep shows that files in staging_dir/ references /usr/src/weird_dir
(absolute path instead of a relative path with the SDK's files. A
Symlink solve its, but require access to the directories of the SDK's
computer (sometimes root, etc)

I attach a log file, I show the problem, and I create a symlynk for solving it.

How sould I report a bug in a (the?) tracker?


 mabeett [at] gmail [ dot] com
 some time ago:

 mtspcchaiaeia [at] gmail [dot] com

Attachment: sdk_bug.log.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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