On 5/7/2010 5:10 AM, Bastian Bittorf wrote:
> * Mark Deneen <mden...@saucontech.com> [06.05.2010 22:20]:
> [...]
>> strength, the PPP connection is dropped.  I solve this by having the
>> process run all of the time, and handling the error state of the file
>> closing on me. I am running a SVN version somewhere between 7.09 and
>> 8.09 -- maybe the serial port issue has been resolved in backfire.
> it's time to upgrade and check 8-)

>> Also, a "good" RSSI value appears to be different depend on the cellular
>> network.
> just for clarification: IMHO it should only be possible to
> measure the RSSI for a connected cell, not all possible cells - or?

I suppose that it is possible for one to have multiple 3G devices
attached and connected at once, especially as more routers support USB. 
The point I was trying to make is that a RSSI of -90 might be great for
one cellular provider / technology, while -90 might be awful for
another.  Just because we can read the RSSI values does not mean that we
can do much with it, other than present it.

For what it is worth, I made an attempt at unifying the RSSI differences
between UMTS and CDMA modems, and presenting the result such that it is
similar to the expected output from AT+CSQ.  I get the feeling that the
CDMA modem I used to test with cheated a little bit on AT+CSQ.

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