Well the grep I sent was not ok. I think this one might be better:

grep "^CONFIG" .config > .myconfig


According to Thorsten Fischer on Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 09:50:55AM +0200:

> Excerpts from Philip Prindeville's message of Fri Apr 30 02:27:21 +0200 2010:
> > I'm working on a way to build various images from a single directory, 
> > and do it in an automated way.
> We do something similar; two different armeb images and a mipsel image
> for every 'release'. We keep our code in a git repository. I have 
> written a build script that allows me to selectively build any or all of
> the images, select which branch or commit ID to build from, add additional
> packages, keep logs of builds with 'V=99' output, and so on.
> > What this means is, I need reliable ways to: 
> > * select certain menuconfig options from the CLI, rather than from the GUI;
> > * reset the directory to a pristine state, i.e. that which it is 
> > immediately after an "svn co" with no stale files left around;
> > 
> > How do I do this?
> For the selection on the CLI, create a .config with only the entries
> that you require. Then run 'make defconfig'. That will create a valid
> .config based on your selections. At the very least you will probably
> want 'CONFIG_TARGET_<arch>_<profile_name>=y' to select the correct
> profile.
> Note that for packages, you may need to explicitly add the dependencies,
> too. I found that sometimes the dependency entries in a package's
> Makefile are not honoured as I would have expected.
> > * reset the directory to a pristine state, i.e. that which it is 
> > immediately after an "svn co" with no stale files left around;
> I 'git clone' for every single image. It's quick compared to the time
> spent on building and disk space is cheap. Also you retain state in case
> of errors, which I found to be useful.
> > Also, what are the steps for using external feeds?  I saw the help that 
> > "scripts/feeds" gives, but wanted more detailed info than that.
> > For instance, how to cleanup or back out an external feed that I decide 
> > I don't want, or again putting things back into the "pristine" state above.
> Can't help you there, I never used those. We add external packages
> directly to our tree. The main reason for that is reproducability: we
> want a particular commit ID (plus its .config file, which is also saved)
> to enable us to reproduce an image.
> Generally I found that wrapping builds in a simple script is a very
> useful thing to have.
> Cheers,
> t
> -- 
> Thorsten Fischer, BOWL Project Administrator
> <thors...@net.t-labs.tu-berlin.de>
> Technische Universität Berlin, FG INET, 18th floor
> Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7, 10587 Berlin, Germany
> Tel: +49 30 835358542, Fax: +49 391 53478347
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