> Although there is still enough free memory, probably the memory is
> entirely fragmented and it cannot allocate a large block?
What size of block does it need? I think it cannot be larger than one file 
(~30...80k). I cannot imagine that it cannot be allocated. Or, if it occures, 
only the mjpg-streamer is killed. In my case, _all_ processes are killed, 
that's why I think there can be a bug somewhere in the kernel. (in the UVC 

> Does this problem occur regularly after about 300k frames?
I tried with different resolution and speed, it is within 290k...310k frames.

> In this case why don't you try to stop and restart mjpg-streamer right
> before that just to see if the system stays up for a longer time?
I will try it, but I would like to catch the problem in the kernel. 
Unfortunately, I don't know too much about the memory handling within the 
kernel. At least the source is available (it is my own compilation), so I will 
try to do something. Any help would be appreciated.

K. Gy.
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