> Here is the first part of the rootfs on external (i.e. not the squashfs,
> jffs, or boot root) rootfs (right not just usb, but can easily be
> extended to others).

Thanks, this is a needed feature, indeed.

> This has to be manually configured after the first
> boot (and requires a reboot after a sysupgrade first boot).

Hmmmm... that's a problem.  It means that you can't just have
squashfs+extroot but need a jffs2 inbetween just for this
little cconfig.

> config 'modules' 'modules'
>     list 'fs_modules' 'fs-ext3'
>     list 'controller' 'usb-core'
>     list 'controller' 'usb-ohci'
>     list 'controller' 'usb-storage'

In my (limited experience), "load all the available modules" works just
dandy: after all, these are only the modules available in the
"proto-root" filesystem, so they're likely to be pretty close to the
bare minimum.

Could you explain the rationale for the relatively sophisticated config
of modules you're proposing here?


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