line 24 in /etc/preinit(Kamikaze 8.09.1): *size=$(awk '/MemTotal:/ {l=5242880;mt=($2*1024);print((s=mt/2)<l)&&(mt>l)?mt-l:s}' /proc/meminfo)*
if the '*mt*' is more then 5MB and less then 10MB, the ‘*size*’ = '*mt*-5242880'. if the formula above is established , the ‘*size*' will be very small in the case when '*mt*' = 5.1M. I did a test, and got the result as below: * $mount ... tmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,size=8k) #here,very small ...* Is it a bug? can anyone pls give me some advices?
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