
my attempt at building trunk stopped today for a really long time at

make[3] -C target/linux compile

"ps axuf" showed

 \_ bash -c cmd() { >/dev/null 2>&1 make -s $* || { echo "make $*: build failed.
     \_ make -s -r world
         \_ bash -c . /local/lindi/openwrt/include/shell.sh; eval "$2" -- -c /lo
             \_ make target/compile
                 \_ bash -c . /local/lindi/openwrt/include/shell.sh; eval "$2" -
                     \_ make -C target/linux compile BUILD_VARIANT=
                         \_ bash -c . /local/lindi/openwrt/include/shell.sh; eva
                             \_ make V=99 -C brcm47xx compile
                                 \_ bash -c . /local/lindi/openwrt/include/shell
                                     \_ make -C /local/lindi/openwrt/build_dir/l
                                         \_ make -C /local/lindi/openwrt/build_d
                                             \_ make -f scripts/Makefile.build o
                                                 \_ scripts/kconfig/conf -o arch

and "strace -p ..." confirmed that the last process was blocked in
reading from stdin. After I hit enter the build continued -- is this a
bug in the build scripts?

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