
the following patch upgrades the babel package to 0.97.

Babel has been renamed to babeld since 0.96 [1], but the name has not
been changed in OpenWRT.  The following patch changes every occurrence
of babel to babeld (this is necessary because upstream changed the names
of the config files [2], and it might be confusing to have babel in some
places and babeld in others).

Unfortunately, svn diff doesn't show the "svn mv" and "svn rm" steps.
Here is what I did:
svn mv net/babel net/babeld
svn mv net/babeld/babel.init net/babeld/babeld.init
svn mv net/babeld/babel.conf net/babeld/babeld.conf
svn mv net/babeld/babel.config net/babeld/babeld.config
svn rm net/babel

Moreover, there is a spurious ipv6/babel directory in the packages
repository, forgotten (I guess) during a previous migration:

svn rm ipv6/babel

Here is the resulting svn status:
D       ipv6/babel
D       ipv6/babel/files
A  +    net/babeld
D       net/babeld/files/babel.init
D  +    net/babeld/files/babel.conf
D  +    net/babeld/files/babel.config
A       net/babeld/files/babeld.init
A  +    net/babeld/files/babeld.conf
A  +    net/babeld/files/babeld.config
M  +    net/babeld/Makefile

In addition, this patch:
- adds librt dependency to the Makefile,
- removes duplicated content from the sample babeld.conf file.

Please let me know if anything looks wrong or if there is a way to send
a better patch (including the removal steps).



Signed-off-by: Gabriel Kerneis <kern...@pps.jussieu.fr>


Index: net/babeld/files/babel.init
--- net/babeld/files/babel.init (révision 18433)
+++ net/babeld/files/babel.init (copie de travail)
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
-babel_config() {
-       local cfg="$1"
-       config_get interfaces "$cfg" interfaces
-start() {
-       if [ -x /etc/rc.d/S71ahcpd ] ; then
-               echo 'Not starting babel -- will be started by ahcpd.'
-               exit 0
-       fi
-       config_load babel
-       config_foreach babel_config babel
-       mkdir -p /var/lib
-       if [ -e $pidfile ] ; then
-               echo "$pidfile exists -- not starting babel." >&2
-       else
-               /usr/sbin/babeld -D -I $pidfile $interfaces
-       fi
-stop() {
-       [ -e $pidfile ] && kill $(cat $pidfile)
-       [ -e $pidfile ] && sleep 2
-       [ -e $pidfile ] && sleep 4
-       [ -e $pidfile ] && echo "Failed to stop babel ($pidfile still exists)."
Index: net/babeld/files/babeld.init
--- net/babeld/files/babeld.init        (révision 0)
+++ net/babeld/files/babeld.init        (révision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
+babeld_config() {
+       local cfg="$1"
+       config_get interfaces "$cfg" interfaces
+start() {
+       config_load babeld
+       config_foreach babeld_config babeld
+       mkdir -p /var/lib
+       if [ -e $pidfile ] ; then
+               echo "$pidfile exists -- not starting babel." >&2
+       else
+               /usr/sbin/babeld -D -I $pidfile $interfaces
+       fi
+stop() {
+       [ -e $pidfile ] && kill $(cat $pidfile)
+       [ -e $pidfile ] && sleep 2
+       [ -e $pidfile ] && sleep 4
+       [ -e $pidfile ] && echo "Failed to stop babel ($pidfile still exists)."

Modification de propriétés sur net/babeld/files/babeld.init
Ajouté : svn:executable
   + *

Index: net/babeld/files/babeld.conf
--- net/babeld/files/babeld.conf        (révision 18353)
+++ net/babeld/files/babeld.conf        (copie de travail)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2008 Juliusz Chroboczek, L. Aaron Kaplan
 #   <j...@pps.jussieu.fr> , <aa...@lo-res.org>
-# This config file simply docuements sample entries. 
+# This config file simply documents sample entries. 
 # "redistribute" means: redistribute routes from other 
 #  routing protocols into babel. "local" means addresses assigned to local 
@@ -26,31 +26,3 @@
 # no redistribute local rules are going to match
 ## redistribute local ip 
 ## redistribute local deny
-# babel config file
-# Copyright (C) 2008 Juliusz Chroboczek, L. Aaron Kaplan
-#   <j...@pps.jussieu.fr> , <aa...@lo-res.org>
-# This config file simply docuements sample entries. 
-# "redistribute" means: redistribute routes from other 
-#  routing protocols into babel. "local" means addresses assigned to local 
-# the default rules are:
-## redistribute local 
-## redistribute deny
-# this says, redistribute local addresses but no other routes
-# redistribute IPv4 default route into babel 
-## redistribute local ip le 0 metric 128
-# same but for IPv6
-## redistribute local ip ::/0 le 0 metric 128
-# don't redistribute all local addresses, only selected ones
-# after the first line, the "deny" rules kicks in. After the "deny"
-# no redistribute local rules are going to match
-## redistribute local ip 
-## redistribute local deny
Index: net/babeld/files/babeld.config
--- net/babeld/files/babeld.config      (révision 18353)
+++ net/babeld/files/babeld.config      (copie de travail)
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-config babel
+config babeld
        option interfaces "wl0"
Index: net/babeld/Makefile
--- net/babeld/Makefile (révision 18353)
+++ net/babeld/Makefile (copie de travail)
@@ -8,24 +8,24 @@
 include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
 include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
-define Package/babel
+define Package/babeld
   TITLE:=A loop-free distance-vector routing protocol
-  DEPENDS:=+kmod-ipv6
+  DEPENDS:=+kmod-ipv6 +librt
-define Package/babel/description
+define Package/babeld/description
  Babel is a loop-avoiding distance-vector routing protocol roughly based
  on DSDV and AODV, but with provisions for link cost estimation and
  redistribution of routes from other routing protocols.
@@ -35,21 +35,23 @@
  never counting to infinity.
-define Package/babel/conffiles
+define Package/babeld/conffiles
        CC="$(TARGET_CC)" \
-define Package/babel/install
+define Package/babeld/install
        $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/sbin
        $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/babeld $(1)/usr/sbin/
        $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc
-       $(INSTALL_CONF) ./files/babel.conf $(1)/etc/
+       $(INSTALL_CONF) ./files/babeld.conf $(1)/etc/
+       $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/config
+       $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/babeld.config $(1)/etc/config/babeld
        $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/init.d
-       $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/babel.init $(1)/etc/init.d/babel
+       $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/babeld.init $(1)/etc/init.d/babeld
-$(eval $(call BuildPackage,babel))
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,babeld))
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