Russell Senior wrote:
> For the last several months we've been running r16375 on a bunch of
> Netgear WGT634U's.  On #openwrt-devel, nbd mentioned that he had fixed
> a memory leak in madwifi, so having noticed that our memory
> (free+buffers+cache) seemed to decay over a period of about a week
> (the rate varies) to the point where our captive portal (which forks
> 10 processes every auth) would tend to fail.
> Aware of the reported fix, I was looking forward to rev'ing up to a
> recent revision.  However, having flashed r18405 on an active node, I
> am seeing what looks like even more rapid decay in available memory
> than before.  We are running approximately the same user space apps as
> before, the biggest memory consumers seem to be olsrd, perl+nocatauth
> and openvpn.  I am taking occasional snapshots of /proc/$pid/statm,
> and those three do seem to change in size a bit, with olsrd seeming to
> grow a bit.  However, it doesn't seem enough to explain the ~2meg/day
> decay in memory.
> Here is an indicative graph:
> Note that the last day (far right) has an even steeper slope of the
> top yellow edge (representing the sum of free+buffers+cache) than the
> rest of the graph (each reset of the roughly weekly sawtooth coincides
> with a reset).
> I am looking for help/suggestions in tracking down where the memory is
> going.  Help?
Please post /proc/meminfo and if you have it, /proc/slabinfo as well.
- FElix
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