I'm trying to upgrade some packages I just built from an updated trunk
(r18050) and getting:

# opkg install kmod-sched
Collected errors:
 * Packages were found, but none compatible with the architectures configured

Hardware is an ASUS WL500GP:

# uname -a
Linux gw #1 Sat Feb 7 13:49:36 EST 2009 mips unknown

The package's control file says:

Package: kmod-sched
Depends: kernel (=
Source: package/kernel
Section: kernel
Priority: optional
Maintainer: OpenWrt Developers Team <openwrt-de...@openwrt.org>
Architecture: brcm47xx
Installed-Size: 251800
Description:  Kernel schedulers for IP traffic

(Yes, I know the kernel version of this package doesn't match the
running kernel.  That will be remedied once I have the necessary kmod
packages installed.)

In any case, how is opkg verifying this mismatch?  Is it comparing the
Architecture: tag in the control file to $(uname -m)?  If so, why is the
Architecture: tag in my packages wrong?

BTW: kernel module packages really ought to be named/versioned such that
I can have more than one kmod-sched installed at the same time, for
different kernels.


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