Hi all,

I just wanted to clarify the situation in plain english and avoid a
bunch of people spamming with random guess/solutions :
First: I am not related to the openwrt project, so these are just _my_
explanations, as a small random contributor. If some official
explanations were given, I would be gratefull.

So, apparently, some openwrt servers changed location recently. I didn't
see any announce anywhere, but I'm ok with that as long as everything
runs smoothly.

But, the TTL for these entries in the DNS was 7 days, that is, your
local DNS server may at worst lag 7 days behind the change. And the new
address didn't point to "new" servers, the old one were just displaced,
so as soon as they changed IP, the old entries were invalid. As said
Nils, it might have been scheduled a bit better and the TTL reduced
before the change.

So, all this is *normal behavior* for the DNS servers, there is no
problem appart from the bad scheduling of the openwrt team. Could we
have had a bit more information beforehand ? So, for those who doubted,
your ISP is not to blame.

About the different "solutions", waiting is the best, but may be
unsatisfactory. Using opendns seems strange to me, as if their entries
are updated so fast, either they're very lucky and renewed on schedule
just after the change, either they are violating the general updating
policy stated in the RFCs. Using mirrors : I always prefer the official
address, but this may be a temporary solution.


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