I'm working on the Linksys NAS200 which is not supported by OpenWRT at this time. I'm a beginner in OpenWRT land but I have a much easier time reading Makefiles than python scripts so OpenWRT seems like a logical choice with a short learning curve.

The NAS200 is also RDC based and also only has one NIC wired while the kernel recognizes two (eth0 is the LAN, eth1 is bogus). I haven't gotten very far, basically I loaded a kernel with a piggyback initrd over the network and made it run (see http://www.linksysinfo.org/forums/showpost.php?p=346172&postcount=7) by starting with a Trunk checkout, a config based on the R8610 eval board and some config tweaking.

I'm probably going to run into similar problems as you are: the NAS200 would be a profile of the RDC target but I'll need some stuff that's not part of the base target, such as the fdisk or cfdisk programs because the NAS200 has a SATA controller, and there's some other stuff in the default target/profile that I don't need/want, like network bridging and firewall.

So to me it makes sense to make the NAS200 into a subtarget as well, which may share a lot of files with other RDC targets; however I wouldn't want to touch anything that I'm not working on myself because there's no way for me to test any changes to (let's say) the DIR-450 target: I don't have that hardware available to me.

In other words: making your "own" target a subtarget is probably okay but only if there's no other way to accomplish what you're trying to do. I expect some frowns if you change other targets unless we can get the maintainers of each of those targets to approve the changes. The more local your changes are, the lower the chance that the changes will break something.

Having said that, I would be interested to see what you've done and how you've done it. Would you care to send me an email with a tarball of your svn diff? Maybe we can combine our efforts and propose a BOARD=rdc/single-nic subtarget or something...


----- Original Message ----- From: "Ryan Press" <ryan+l...@presslab.us>
To: <openwrt-devel@lists.openwrt.org>
Sent: Monday, May 25, 2009 9:41 AM
Subject: [OpenWrt-Devel] DIR-450 target, different etc/config/network file

I'm working on the DIR-450 target.  So far I've made a program to create
image files that the original firmware (including failsafe mode) can flash
and with the help of Macpaul Lin we have it working now with the latest
trunk and linux 2.6.30-rc6.

The ethernet port on the other RDC targets is eth1 for LAN and eth0 for
WAN.  The DIR-450 does not have WAN so eth0 should be LAN.  This is easily
fixed by editing the etc/config/network file, however this file is common
to all RDC targets.

I have made subtargets for all the current RDC targets.  This way I can
have separate base-files.  Is this the appropriate way to do this?


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