
The changes were focusing on allowing the flash of ALICE GATE VoIP 2
Plus Wi-Fi Business (different data included in the CRC32) (Ticket
4909), and allowing the flash of generic devices (96348GW-11 board,
Comtrend CT-5621) (Ticket 4943) via web or tftp.

To achieves these, some changes to the structure of the header, and
to the content of some fields have been done.
- Fields added (data to be used by openwrt):
        wrtrootfsaddr old rootfs.address
        wrtrootfslen old rootfs.len

      * These fields were added due to the fact that the generic 96xx
      devices use the rootfs address and length to determine flash
      parameters in a way that is incompatible with openwrt's use of
      those parameters to determine the mtd partitioning scheme

- Function compute_crc32():
        Return the crc32 of a given file computed from given start
address to given start address + given lenght

- Added a profile option to choose the device for which we build the
image. -p <profile>
        -p list to see a list of profile available
        The default behaviour (no -p) act as the "old" imagetag.

- Imagetag insert the padding and append the deac0de eliminating the need of
  the call of preapre_generic_squashfs in the Makefile.

With the patch applied the CRC32 are no more computed during the
growing of the image but during the "application" of the profile by
calling compute_crc32 with appropriate parameters.

Signed-off-by: Anselmo Luginb=C3=BChl <anse...@darviniano.eu>
Signed-off-by: Daniel Dickinson <csh...@brucetelecom.com>


Index: target/linux/brcm63xx/files/include/asm-mips/mach-bcm63xx/bcm_tag.h
--- target/linux/brcm63xx/files/include/asm-mips/mach-bcm63xx/bcm_tag.h 
(revisione 15228)
+++ target/linux/brcm63xx/files/include/asm-mips/mach-bcm63xx/bcm_tag.h (copia 
@@ -14,17 +14,21 @@
        unsigned char totalLength[IMAGE_LEN];           //Total length of image
        unsigned char cfeAddress[ADDRESS_LEN];  // Address in memory of CFE
        unsigned char cfeLength[IMAGE_LEN];             // Size of CFE
-       unsigned char rootAddress[ADDRESS_LEN];         // Address in memory of 
-       unsigned char rootLength[IMAGE_LEN];            // Size of rootfs
+       unsigned char cfeRootAddress[ADDRESS_LEN];         // Address in memory 
of rootfs
+       unsigned char cfeRootLength[IMAGE_LEN];            // Size of rootfs
        unsigned char kernelAddress[ADDRESS_LEN];       // Address in memory of 
        unsigned char kernelLength[IMAGE_LEN];  // Size of kernel
        unsigned char dualImage[2];                             // Unused at 
        unsigned char inactiveFlag[2];                  // Unused at present
        unsigned char reserved1[74];                            // Reserved 
area not in use
        unsigned char imageCRC[4];                              // CRC32 of 
-       unsigned char reserved2[16];                            // Unused at 
-       unsigned char headerCRC[4];                             // CRC32 of 
header excluding tagVersion
-       unsigned char reserved3[16];                            // Unused at 
+//      unsigned char reserved2[16];                    // Unused at present
+        unsigned char reserved2[4];                     //Unused
+        unsigned char rootAddress[ADDRESS_LEN];         // Address in memory 
of rootfs
+        unsigned char headerCRC[4];                     // CRC32 of header 
excluding tagVersion
+//      unsigned char reserved3[16];                    // Unused at present
+        unsigned char reserved3[6];                     // Unused at present
+        unsigned char rootLength[IMAGE_LEN];            // Size of rootfs
 #endif /* __BCM63XX_TAG_H */
Index: target/linux/brcm63xx/image/Makefile
--- target/linux/brcm63xx/image/Makefile        (revisione 15228)
+++ target/linux/brcm63xx/image/Makefile        (copia locale)
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@
                -b $(2) -c $(3) -e $(LOADADDR) -l $(LOADADDR)
 #              -b $(2) -c $(3) -e $(KERNEL_ENTRY) -l $(LOADADDR)
-       $(call prepare_generic_squashfs,$(BIN_DIR)/openwrt-$(2)-$(1)-cfe.bin)
 define Image/Build/CFEAGPF
@@ -42,8 +41,7 @@
        $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/imagetag -i $(KDIR)/vmlinux.lzma.cfe -f 
$(KDIR)/root.$(1) \
                -o $(BIN_DIR)/openwrt-$(2)-$(1)-cfe.bin \
                -b $(2) -c $(3) -e $(LOADADDR) -l $(LOADADDR) \
-               -v 8 -m IMAGE -k 0x20000 -n $(4)
-       $(call prepare_generic_squashfs,$(BIN_DIR)/openwrt-$(2)-$(1)-cfe.bin)
+               -v 8 -m IMAGE -k 0x20000 -n $(4) -p alice
 define Image/Build/RedBoot
Index: tools/firmware-utils/src/imagetag.c
--- tools/firmware-utils/src/imagetag.c (revisione 15228)
+++ tools/firmware-utils/src/imagetag.c (copia locale)
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 #define DEFAULT_FW_OFFSET              0x10000
 #define DEFAULT_FLASH_START            0xBFC00000
 #define DEFAULT_FLASH_BS               (64 * 1024)
+#define DEADCODE                       0xDEADC0DE
 /* Kernel header */
 struct kernelhdr {
@@ -47,15 +48,19 @@
        uint8_t                 bigendian[2];   /*  60 -  61: "1" for big 
endian, "0" for little endian */
        uint8_t                 imagelen[10];   /*  62 -  71: The length of all 
data that follows */
        struct imagecomp        cfe;            /*  72 -  93: The offset and 
length of CFE */
-       struct imagecomp        rootfs;         /*  94 - 115: The offset and 
length of the root file system */
+       struct imagecomp        rootfs; /*  94 - 115: The offset and length of 
the root file system */
        struct imagecomp        kernel;         /* 116 - 137: The offset and 
length of the kernel */
        uint8_t                 dualimage[2];   /* 138 - 139: use "0" here */
        uint8_t                 inactive[2];    /* 140 - 141: use "0" here */
        uint8_t                 reserved1[74];  /* 142 - 215: reserved */
        uint32_t                imagecrc;       /* 216 - 219: crc of the images 
(net byte order) */
-       uint8_t                 reserved2[16];  /* 220 - 235: reserved */
+//     uint8_t                 reserved2[16];  /* 220 - 235: reserved */
+       uint8_t                 reserved2[4];   /* 220 - 223: reserved */
+       uint8_t                 wrtrootfsaddr[12];      /* 224 - 235: wrt 
rootfs address */
        uint32_t                headercrc;      /* 236 - 239: crc starting from 
sig1 until headercrc (net byte order) */
-       uint8_t                 reserved3[16];  /* 240 - 255: reserved */
+//     uint8_t                 reserved3[16];  /* 240 - 255: reserved */
+       uint8_t                 reserved3[6];   /* 240 - 245: reserved */
+       uint8_t                 wrtrootfslen[10];       /* 246 - 255: wrt 
rootfs lenght */
 static uint32_t crc32tab[256] = {
@@ -101,6 +106,29 @@
        return crc;
+uint32_t compute_crc32(uint32_t crc, FILE *binfile, size_t compute_start, 
size_t compute_len)
+       uint8_t readbuf[1024];
+       size_t read;
+       fseek(binfile, compute_start, SEEK_SET);
+       /* read block of 1024 bytes */
+       while (binfile && !feof(binfile) && !ferror(binfile) && (compute_len >= 
sizeof(readbuf))) {
+               read = fread(readbuf, sizeof(uint8_t), sizeof(readbuf), 
+               crc = crc32(crc, readbuf, read);
+               compute_len = compute_len - read;
+       }
+       /* Less than 1024 bytes remains, read compute_len bytes */
+       if (binfile && !feof(binfile) && !ferror(binfile) && (compute_len > 0)) 
+               read = fread(readbuf, sizeof(uint8_t), compute_len, binfile);
+               crc = crc32(crc, readbuf, read);
+       }
+       return crc;
 size_t getlen(FILE *fp)
        size_t retval, curpos;
@@ -119,14 +147,16 @@
 int tagfile(const char *kernel, const char *rootfs, const char *bin,
            const char *boardid, const char *chipid, const uint32_t fwaddr,
            const uint32_t loadaddr, const uint32_t entry,
-           const char *ver, const char *magic2, const uint32_t flash_bs)
+           const char *ver, const char *magic2, const uint32_t flash_bs,
+           const char *profile)
        struct imagetag tag;
        struct kernelhdr khdr;
        FILE *kernelfile = NULL, *rootfsfile = NULL, *binfile;
-       size_t kerneloff, kernellen, rootfsoff, rootfslen, read;
+       size_t kerneloff, kernellen, rootfsoff, rootfslen, read, imagelen;
        uint8_t readbuf[1024];
-       uint32_t crc;
+       uint32_t crc = IMAGETAG_CRC_START;
+       const uint32_t deadcode = htonl(DEADCODE);
        memset(&tag, 0, sizeof(struct imagetag));
@@ -150,7 +180,7 @@
                return 1;
-       if (!bin || !(binfile = fopen(bin, "wb"))) {
+       if (!bin || !(binfile = fopen(bin, "wb+"))) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open output file \"%s\"\n", bin);
                return 1;
@@ -172,18 +202,17 @@
        rootfsoff = (rootfsoff % flash_bs) > 0 ? (((rootfsoff / flash_bs) + 1) 
* flash_bs) : rootfsoff;
        rootfslen = getlen(rootfsfile);
        rootfslen = (rootfslen % flash_bs) > 0 ? (((rootfslen / flash_bs) + 1) 
* flash_bs) : rootfslen;
+       imagelen = rootfsoff + rootfslen - kerneloff + sizeof(deadcode);
        /* Seek to the start of the kernel */
        fseek(binfile, kerneloff - fwaddr, SEEK_SET);
        /* Write the kernel header */
-       crc = crc32(IMAGETAG_CRC_START, (uint8_t*)&khdr, sizeof(khdr));
        fwrite(&khdr, sizeof(khdr), 1, binfile);
        /* Write the kernel */
        while (kernelfile && !feof(kernelfile) && !ferror(kernelfile)) {
                read = fread(readbuf, sizeof(uint8_t), sizeof(readbuf), 
-               crc = crc32(crc, readbuf, read);
                fwrite(readbuf, sizeof(uint8_t), read, binfile);
@@ -191,10 +220,27 @@
        fseek(binfile, rootfsoff - fwaddr, SEEK_SET);
        while (rootfsfile && !feof(rootfsfile) && !ferror(rootfsfile)) {
                read = fread(readbuf, sizeof(uint8_t), sizeof(readbuf), 
-               //crc = crc32(crc, readbuf, read);
                fwrite(readbuf, sizeof(uint8_t), read, binfile);
+       /* Align image to specified erase block size and append deadc0de */
+       printf("Data alignment to %dk with 'deadc0de' appended\n", 
+       fseek(binfile, rootfsoff + rootfslen - fwaddr, SEEK_SET);
+       fwrite(&deadcode, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, binfile);
+       /* Choose and compute the CRC32 that should be inserted in the tag */
+       /* and fill reserved tag following profile specification           */
+       if ( profile && (strcmp(profile, "alice") == 0)) {
+               crc = compute_crc32(crc, binfile, kerneloff - fwaddr, 
+               /* Should fill alice_data and put them on reserved1 */
+       }
+       else {
+               /* Compute the crc32 of the entire image (deadC0de included) */
+               crc = compute_crc32(crc, binfile, kerneloff - fwaddr, imagelen);
+       }
        /* Close the files */
@@ -206,7 +252,7 @@
        strcpy(tag.chipid, chipid);
        strcpy(tag.boardid, boardid);
        strcpy(tag.bigendian, "1");
-       sprintf(tag.imagelen, "%lu", kernellen + rootfslen);
+       sprintf(tag.imagelen, "%lu", imagelen);
        /* We don't include CFE */
        strcpy(tag.cfe.address, "0");
@@ -218,8 +264,10 @@
        if (rootfsfile) {
-               sprintf(tag.rootfs.address, "%lu", rootfsoff);
-               sprintf(tag.rootfs.len, "%lu", rootfslen);
+               sprintf(tag.rootfs.address, "%lu", kerneloff);
+               sprintf(tag.rootfs.len, "%lu", rootfslen + sizeof(deadcode));
+               sprintf(tag.wrtrootfsaddr, "%lu", rootfsoff);
+               sprintf(tag.wrtrootfslen, "%lu", rootfslen);
        tag.imagecrc = htonl(crc);
@@ -236,11 +284,11 @@
 int main(int argc, char **argv)
        int c;
-       char *kernel, *rootfs, *bin, *boardid, *chipid, *magic2, *ver;
+       char *kernel, *rootfs, *bin, *boardid, *chipid, *magic2, *ver, *profile;
        uint32_t flashstart, fwoffset, loadaddr, entry;
        uint32_t fwaddr, flash_bs;
-       kernel = rootfs = bin = boardid = chipid = magic2 = ver = NULL;
+       kernel = rootfs = bin = boardid = chipid = magic2 = ver = profile = 
        entry = 0;
        flashstart = DEFAULT_FLASH_START;
@@ -248,10 +296,10 @@
        flash_bs = DEFAULT_FLASH_BS;
-       printf("Broadcom image tagger - v0.1.1\n");
+       printf("Broadcom image tagger - v0.1.2\n");
        printf("Copyright (C) 2008 Axel Gembe\n");
-       while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "i:f:o:b:c:s:n:v:m:k:l:e:h")) != -1) {
+       while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "i:f:o:b:c:s:n:v:m:k:l:e:h:p:")) != -1) {
                switch (c) {
                        case 'i':
                                kernel = optarg;
@@ -289,22 +337,26 @@
                        case 'e':
                                entry = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 16);
+                       case 'p':
+                               profile = optarg;
+                               break;
                        case 'h':
-                               fprintf(stderr, "Usage: imagetag 
-                               fprintf(stderr, "-i <kernel>   - The LZMA 
compressed kernel file to include in the image\n");
-                               fprintf(stderr, "-f <rootfs>   - The RootFS 
file to include in the image\n");
-                               fprintf(stderr, "-o <bin>      - The output 
-                               fprintf(stderr, "-b <boardid>  - The board id 
to set in the image (i.e. \"96345GW2\")\n");
-                               fprintf(stderr, "-c <chipid>   - The chip id to 
set in the image (i.e. \"6345\")\n");
-                               fprintf(stderr, "-s <flashstart>   - Flash 
start address (i.e. \"0xBFC00000\"\n");
-                               fprintf(stderr, "-n <fwoffset>   - \n");
-                               fprintf(stderr, "-v <version>   - \n");
-                               fprintf(stderr, "-m <magic2>    - \n");
-                               fprintf(stderr, "-k <flash_bs>  - \n");
-                               fprintf(stderr, "-l <loadaddr> - Address where 
the kernel expects to be loaded (defaults to 0x80010000)\n");
-                               fprintf(stderr, "-e <entry>    - Address where 
the kernel entry point will end up\n");
-                               fprintf(stderr, "-h            - Displays this 
+                               fprintf(stderr, "Usage: imagetag 
+                               fprintf(stderr, "       -i <kernel>             
- The LZMA compressed kernel file to include in the image\n");
+                               fprintf(stderr, "       -f <rootfs>             
- The RootFS file to include in the image\n");
+                               fprintf(stderr, "       -o <bin>                
- The output file\n");
+                               fprintf(stderr, "       -b <boardid>            
- The board id to set in the image (i.e. \"96345GW2\")\n");
+                               fprintf(stderr, "       -c <chipid>             
- The chip id to set in the image (i.e. \"6345\")\n");
+                               fprintf(stderr, "       -s <flashstart>         
- Flash start address (i.e. \"0xBFC00000\"\n");
+                               fprintf(stderr, "       -n <fwoffset>           
- \n");
+                               fprintf(stderr, "       -v <version>            
- \n");
+                               fprintf(stderr, "       -m <magic2>             
- \n");
+                               fprintf(stderr, "       -k <flash_bs>           
- flash erase block size\n");
+                               fprintf(stderr, "       -l <loadaddr>           
- Address where the kernel expects to be loaded (defaults to 0x80010000)\n");
+                               fprintf(stderr, "       -e <entry>              
- Address where the kernel entry point will end up\n");
+                               fprintf(stderr, "       -p <profile>            
- Specify profile for particular devices, use 'list' to see available 
+                               fprintf(stderr, "       -h                      
- Displays this text\n\n");
                                return 1;
@@ -318,7 +370,22 @@
                fprintf(stderr, "You need to specify the kernel entry (-e)\n");
                return 1;
+       if (profile && (strcmp(profile, "list") == 0)) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "\n----------------------------------------\n");
+               fprintf(stderr, "\tAvailable Profiles:");
+               fprintf(stderr, "\n\n");
+               fprintf(stderr, "\t'alice'\tALICE GATE VoIP 2 Plus Wi-Fi 
+               fprintf(stderr, "\n----------------------------------------\n");
+               return 0;
+       }
+       /* If the profile increase should found another way of testing the 
validity */
+       if (profile && !(strcmp(profile, "alice") == 0)) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "You specified an inexistent profile %s, see 
the list of availables options\n", profile);
+               return 1;
+       }
        /* Fallback to defaults */
        fwaddr = flashstart + fwoffset;
@@ -340,6 +407,7 @@
                strcpy(ver, IMAGETAG_VER);
-       return tagfile(kernel, rootfs, bin, boardid, chipid, fwaddr, loadaddr, 
entry, ver, magic2, flash_bs);
+       return tagfile(kernel, rootfs, bin, boardid, chipid, fwaddr, loadaddr, 
entry, ver, magic2, flash_bs, profile);
Index: target/linux/brcm63xx/files/include/asm-mips/mach-bcm63xx/bcm_tag.h
--- target/linux/brcm63xx/files/include/asm-mips/mach-bcm63xx/bcm_tag.h	(revisione 15228)
+++ target/linux/brcm63xx/files/include/asm-mips/mach-bcm63xx/bcm_tag.h	(copia locale)
@@ -14,17 +14,21 @@
 	unsigned char totalLength[IMAGE_LEN];           //Total length of image
 	unsigned char cfeAddress[ADDRESS_LEN];  // Address in memory of CFE
 	unsigned char cfeLength[IMAGE_LEN];             // Size of CFE
-	unsigned char rootAddress[ADDRESS_LEN];         // Address in memory of rootfs
-	unsigned char rootLength[IMAGE_LEN];            // Size of rootfs
+	unsigned char cfeRootAddress[ADDRESS_LEN];         // Address in memory of rootfs
+	unsigned char cfeRootLength[IMAGE_LEN];            // Size of rootfs
 	unsigned char kernelAddress[ADDRESS_LEN];       // Address in memory of kernel
 	unsigned char kernelLength[IMAGE_LEN];  // Size of kernel
 	unsigned char dualImage[2];                             // Unused at present
 	unsigned char inactiveFlag[2];                  // Unused at present
 	unsigned char reserved1[74];                            // Reserved area not in use
 	unsigned char imageCRC[4];                              // CRC32 of images
-	unsigned char reserved2[16];                            // Unused at present
-	unsigned char headerCRC[4];                             // CRC32 of header excluding tagVersion
-	unsigned char reserved3[16];                            // Unused at present
+//      unsigned char reserved2[16];                    // Unused at present
+        unsigned char reserved2[4];                     //Unused
+        unsigned char rootAddress[ADDRESS_LEN];         // Address in memory of rootfs
+        unsigned char headerCRC[4];                     // CRC32 of header excluding tagVersion
+//      unsigned char reserved3[16];                    // Unused at present
+        unsigned char reserved3[6];                     // Unused at present
+        unsigned char rootLength[IMAGE_LEN];            // Size of rootfs
 #endif /* __BCM63XX_TAG_H */
Index: target/linux/brcm63xx/image/Makefile
--- target/linux/brcm63xx/image/Makefile	(revisione 15228)
+++ target/linux/brcm63xx/image/Makefile	(copia locale)
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@
 		-b $(2) -c $(3) -e $(LOADADDR) -l $(LOADADDR)
 #		-b $(2) -c $(3) -e $(KERNEL_ENTRY) -l $(LOADADDR)
-	$(call prepare_generic_squashfs,$(BIN_DIR)/openwrt-$(2)-$(1)-cfe.bin)
 define Image/Build/CFEAGPF
@@ -42,8 +41,7 @@
 	$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/imagetag -i $(KDIR)/vmlinux.lzma.cfe -f $(KDIR)/root.$(1) \
 		-o $(BIN_DIR)/openwrt-$(2)-$(1)-cfe.bin \
 		-b $(2) -c $(3) -e $(LOADADDR) -l $(LOADADDR) \
-		-v 8 -m IMAGE -k 0x20000 -n $(4)
-	$(call prepare_generic_squashfs,$(BIN_DIR)/openwrt-$(2)-$(1)-cfe.bin)
+		-v 8 -m IMAGE -k 0x20000 -n $(4) -p alice
 define Image/Build/RedBoot
Index: tools/firmware-utils/src/imagetag.c
--- tools/firmware-utils/src/imagetag.c	(revisione 15228)
+++ tools/firmware-utils/src/imagetag.c	(copia locale)
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 #define DEFAULT_FW_OFFSET		0x10000
 #define DEFAULT_FLASH_START		0xBFC00000
 #define DEFAULT_FLASH_BS		(64 * 1024)
+#define DEADCODE			0xDEADC0DE
 /* Kernel header */
 struct kernelhdr {
@@ -47,15 +48,19 @@
 	uint8_t			bigendian[2];	/*  60 -  61: "1" for big endian, "0" for little endian */
 	uint8_t			imagelen[10];	/*  62 -  71: The length of all data that follows */
 	struct imagecomp	cfe;		/*  72 -  93: The offset and length of CFE */
-	struct imagecomp	rootfs;		/*  94 - 115: The offset and length of the root file system */
+	struct imagecomp	rootfs;	/*  94 - 115: The offset and length of the root file system */
 	struct imagecomp	kernel;		/* 116 - 137: The offset and length of the kernel */
 	uint8_t			dualimage[2];	/* 138 - 139: use "0" here */
 	uint8_t			inactive[2];	/* 140 - 141: use "0" here */
 	uint8_t			reserved1[74];	/* 142 - 215: reserved */
 	uint32_t		imagecrc;	/* 216 - 219: crc of the images (net byte order) */
-	uint8_t			reserved2[16];	/* 220 - 235: reserved */
+// 	uint8_t			reserved2[16];	/* 220 - 235: reserved */
+	uint8_t			reserved2[4];	/* 220 - 223: reserved */
+	uint8_t			wrtrootfsaddr[12];	/* 224 - 235: wrt rootfs address */
 	uint32_t		headercrc;	/* 236 - 239: crc starting from sig1 until headercrc (net byte order) */
-	uint8_t			reserved3[16];	/* 240 - 255: reserved */
+//	uint8_t			reserved3[16];	/* 240 - 255: reserved */
+	uint8_t			reserved3[6];	/* 240 - 245: reserved */
+	uint8_t			wrtrootfslen[10];	/* 246 - 255: wrt rootfs lenght */
 static uint32_t crc32tab[256] = {
@@ -101,6 +106,29 @@
 	return crc;
+uint32_t compute_crc32(uint32_t crc, FILE *binfile, size_t compute_start, size_t compute_len)
+	uint8_t readbuf[1024];
+	size_t read;
+	fseek(binfile, compute_start, SEEK_SET);
+	/* read block of 1024 bytes */
+	while (binfile && !feof(binfile) && !ferror(binfile) && (compute_len >= sizeof(readbuf))) {
+		read = fread(readbuf, sizeof(uint8_t), sizeof(readbuf), binfile);
+		crc = crc32(crc, readbuf, read);
+		compute_len = compute_len - read;
+	}
+	/* Less than 1024 bytes remains, read compute_len bytes */
+	if (binfile && !feof(binfile) && !ferror(binfile) && (compute_len > 0)) {
+		read = fread(readbuf, sizeof(uint8_t), compute_len, binfile);
+		crc = crc32(crc, readbuf, read);
+	}
+	return crc;
 size_t getlen(FILE *fp)
 	size_t retval, curpos;
@@ -119,14 +147,16 @@
 int tagfile(const char *kernel, const char *rootfs, const char *bin,
 	    const char *boardid, const char *chipid, const uint32_t fwaddr,
 	    const uint32_t loadaddr, const uint32_t entry,
-	    const char *ver, const char *magic2, const uint32_t flash_bs)
+	    const char *ver, const char *magic2, const uint32_t flash_bs,
+	    const char *profile)
 	struct imagetag tag;
 	struct kernelhdr khdr;
 	FILE *kernelfile = NULL, *rootfsfile = NULL, *binfile;
-	size_t kerneloff, kernellen, rootfsoff, rootfslen, read;
+	size_t kerneloff, kernellen, rootfsoff, rootfslen, read, imagelen;
 	uint8_t readbuf[1024];
-	uint32_t crc;
+	uint32_t crc = IMAGETAG_CRC_START;
+	const uint32_t deadcode = htonl(DEADCODE);
 	memset(&tag, 0, sizeof(struct imagetag));
@@ -150,7 +180,7 @@
 		return 1;
-	if (!bin || !(binfile = fopen(bin, "wb"))) {
+	if (!bin || !(binfile = fopen(bin, "wb+"))) {
 		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open output file \"%s\"\n", bin);
 		return 1;
@@ -172,18 +202,17 @@
 	rootfsoff = (rootfsoff % flash_bs) > 0 ? (((rootfsoff / flash_bs) + 1) * flash_bs) : rootfsoff;
 	rootfslen = getlen(rootfsfile);
 	rootfslen = (rootfslen % flash_bs) > 0 ? (((rootfslen / flash_bs) + 1) * flash_bs) : rootfslen;
+	imagelen = rootfsoff + rootfslen - kerneloff + sizeof(deadcode);
 	/* Seek to the start of the kernel */
 	fseek(binfile, kerneloff - fwaddr, SEEK_SET);
 	/* Write the kernel header */
-	crc = crc32(IMAGETAG_CRC_START, (uint8_t*)&khdr, sizeof(khdr));
 	fwrite(&khdr, sizeof(khdr), 1, binfile);
 	/* Write the kernel */
 	while (kernelfile && !feof(kernelfile) && !ferror(kernelfile)) {
 		read = fread(readbuf, sizeof(uint8_t), sizeof(readbuf), kernelfile);
-		crc = crc32(crc, readbuf, read);
 		fwrite(readbuf, sizeof(uint8_t), read, binfile);
@@ -191,10 +220,27 @@
 	fseek(binfile, rootfsoff - fwaddr, SEEK_SET);
 	while (rootfsfile && !feof(rootfsfile) && !ferror(rootfsfile)) {
 		read = fread(readbuf, sizeof(uint8_t), sizeof(readbuf), rootfsfile);
-		//crc = crc32(crc, readbuf, read);
 		fwrite(readbuf, sizeof(uint8_t), read, binfile);
+	/* Align image to specified erase block size and append deadc0de */
+	printf("Data alignment to %dk with 'deadc0de' appended\n", flash_bs/1024);
+	fseek(binfile, rootfsoff + rootfslen - fwaddr, SEEK_SET);
+	fwrite(&deadcode, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, binfile);
+	/* Choose and compute the CRC32 that should be inserted in the tag */
+	/* and fill reserved tag following profile specification	   */
+	if ( profile && (strcmp(profile, "alice") == 0)) {
+		crc = compute_crc32(crc, binfile, kerneloff - fwaddr, kernellen);
+		/* Should fill alice_data and put them on reserved1 */
+	}
+	else {
+		/* Compute the crc32 of the entire image (deadC0de included) */
+		crc = compute_crc32(crc, binfile, kerneloff - fwaddr, imagelen);
+	}
 	/* Close the files */
@@ -206,7 +252,7 @@
 	strcpy(tag.chipid, chipid);
 	strcpy(tag.boardid, boardid);
 	strcpy(tag.bigendian, "1");
-	sprintf(tag.imagelen, "%lu", kernellen + rootfslen);
+	sprintf(tag.imagelen, "%lu", imagelen);
 	/* We don't include CFE */
 	strcpy(tag.cfe.address, "0");
@@ -218,8 +264,10 @@
 	if (rootfsfile) {
-		sprintf(tag.rootfs.address, "%lu", rootfsoff);
-		sprintf(tag.rootfs.len, "%lu", rootfslen);
+		sprintf(tag.rootfs.address, "%lu", kerneloff);
+		sprintf(tag.rootfs.len, "%lu", rootfslen + sizeof(deadcode));
+		sprintf(tag.wrtrootfsaddr, "%lu", rootfsoff);
+		sprintf(tag.wrtrootfslen, "%lu", rootfslen);
 	tag.imagecrc = htonl(crc);
@@ -236,11 +284,11 @@
 int main(int argc, char **argv)
 	int c;
-	char *kernel, *rootfs, *bin, *boardid, *chipid, *magic2, *ver;
+	char *kernel, *rootfs, *bin, *boardid, *chipid, *magic2, *ver, *profile;
 	uint32_t flashstart, fwoffset, loadaddr, entry;
 	uint32_t fwaddr, flash_bs;
-	kernel = rootfs = bin = boardid = chipid = magic2 = ver = NULL;
+	kernel = rootfs = bin = boardid = chipid = magic2 = ver = profile = NULL;
 	entry = 0;
 	flashstart = DEFAULT_FLASH_START;
@@ -248,10 +296,10 @@
 	flash_bs = DEFAULT_FLASH_BS;
-	printf("Broadcom image tagger - v0.1.1\n");
+	printf("Broadcom image tagger - v0.1.2\n");
 	printf("Copyright (C) 2008 Axel Gembe\n");
-	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "i:f:o:b:c:s:n:v:m:k:l:e:h")) != -1) {
+	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "i:f:o:b:c:s:n:v:m:k:l:e:h:p:")) != -1) {
 		switch (c) {
 			case 'i':
 				kernel = optarg;
@@ -289,22 +337,26 @@
 			case 'e':
 				entry = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 16);
+			case 'p':
+				profile = optarg;
+				break;
 			case 'h':
-				fprintf(stderr, "Usage: imagetag <parameters>\n");
-				fprintf(stderr, "-i <kernel>   - The LZMA compressed kernel file to include in the image\n");
-				fprintf(stderr, "-f <rootfs>   - The RootFS file to include in the image\n");
-				fprintf(stderr, "-o <bin>      - The output file\n");
-				fprintf(stderr, "-b <boardid>  - The board id to set in the image (i.e. \"96345GW2\")\n");
-				fprintf(stderr, "-c <chipid>   - The chip id to set in the image (i.e. \"6345\")\n");
-				fprintf(stderr, "-s <flashstart>   - Flash start address (i.e. \"0xBFC00000\"\n");
-				fprintf(stderr, "-n <fwoffset>   - \n");
-				fprintf(stderr, "-v <version>	- \n");
-				fprintf(stderr, "-m <magic2>	- \n");
-				fprintf(stderr, "-k <flash_bs>	- \n");
-				fprintf(stderr, "-l <loadaddr> - Address where the kernel expects to be loaded (defaults to 0x80010000)\n");
-				fprintf(stderr, "-e <entry>    - Address where the kernel entry point will end up\n");
-				fprintf(stderr, "-h            - Displays this text\n");
+				fprintf(stderr, "Usage: imagetag <parameters>\n\n");
+				fprintf(stderr, "	-i <kernel>		- The LZMA compressed kernel file to include in the image\n");
+				fprintf(stderr, "	-f <rootfs>		- The RootFS file to include in the image\n");
+				fprintf(stderr, "	-o <bin>		- The output file\n");
+				fprintf(stderr, "	-b <boardid>		- The board id to set in the image (i.e. \"96345GW2\")\n");
+				fprintf(stderr, "	-c <chipid>		- The chip id to set in the image (i.e. \"6345\")\n");
+				fprintf(stderr, "	-s <flashstart> 	- Flash start address (i.e. \"0xBFC00000\"\n");
+				fprintf(stderr, "	-n <fwoffset>   	- \n");
+				fprintf(stderr, "	-v <version>		- \n");
+				fprintf(stderr, "	-m <magic2>		- \n");
+				fprintf(stderr, "	-k <flash_bs>		- flash erase block size\n");
+				fprintf(stderr, "	-l <loadaddr>		- Address where the kernel expects to be loaded (defaults to 0x80010000)\n");
+				fprintf(stderr, "	-e <entry>		- Address where the kernel entry point will end up\n");
+				fprintf(stderr, "	-p <profile>		- Specify profile for particular devices, use 'list' to see available devices\n");
+				fprintf(stderr, "	-h			- Displays this text\n\n");
 				return 1;
@@ -318,7 +370,22 @@
 		fprintf(stderr, "You need to specify the kernel entry (-e)\n");
 		return 1;
+	if (profile && (strcmp(profile, "list") == 0)) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "\n----------------------------------------\n");
+		fprintf(stderr, "\tAvailable Profiles:");
+		fprintf(stderr, "\n\n");
+		fprintf(stderr, "\t'alice'\tALICE GATE VoIP 2 Plus Wi-Fi Business");
+		fprintf(stderr, "\n----------------------------------------\n");
+		return 0;
+	}
+	/* If the profile increase should found another way of testing the validity */
+	if (profile && !(strcmp(profile, "alice") == 0)) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "You specified an inexistent profile %s, see the list of availables options\n", profile);
+		return 1;
+	}
 	/* Fallback to defaults */
 	fwaddr = flashstart + fwoffset;
@@ -340,6 +407,7 @@
 		strcpy(ver, IMAGETAG_VER);
-	return tagfile(kernel, rootfs, bin, boardid, chipid, fwaddr, loadaddr, entry, ver, magic2, flash_bs);
+	return tagfile(kernel, rootfs, bin, boardid, chipid, fwaddr, loadaddr, entry, ver, magic2, flash_bs, profile);

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