Peter Lambrechtsen wrote:
> On 15/04/2009, at 5:20 AM, RB <> wrote:
>> On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 09:44, Weedy <> wrote:
>>> NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Fresh start is good. Just look at
>>> gentoo-wiki.{com,info}
>> Take a breath...  Good.  :)
>> There's a lot of really good information in the old wiki, much of
>> which is still valid but poorly maintained.  The intent is _not_ to
>> import the old wiki's data wholesale, but for someone (me) to
>> carefully sift through it, normalizing and organizing it.  We plan on
>> splitting the wiki into two segments/namespaces - one more like it is
>> now (with better spam controls) where logged-in users can post &
>> modify information, and a core set of pages that can be modified only
>> by a vetted group.  As articles mature, they will be given an owner
>> and moved into that protected space to encourage better care &
>> feeding.
>> I'm not necessarily administering it, I've just volunteered to help
>> the transition go smoothly.  My intent is to spend as much time and
>> focus as is necessary to get things running well again.
> +1 from me to assist with the wiki. A well maintained and thoughtout
> wiki helps to reduce the dupe posts in the forum and improve user
> uptake. That's what I found on another project I worked on that had a
> team member spend a lot of time getting the wiki into a great state and
> now it's a pleasure to keep updated.
> Good document style rules help...
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You can just let users migrate the content, Just setup guidelines and
templates first.
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