hi, at the moment there is one profile for soekris boards, so called net4801. but there are at least 2 more models, the 45xx series and the 5501. the 45xx series is the oldest board revision and is based on amd ElanSC520 and not on sc1100 like the 48xx series. the target for soekris 4801 is not working in special kernel modules like watchdog for example on 45xx models. and 5501 model has via network chips not natsemi. therefor i started working on more profile definitions, as it was done for pc engines. my idea is to seperate the soekris profile to the main 3 models 45xx 48xx and 55xx. but the 45 series has also two different models one with pcmcia / pccard slot(s). and while i am using the net 4521 with two pccard cardslots i need the pcmciautils in kernel 2.6 for using older 16 bit pcmciacards like orinoco and prism2 pcmcia cards. on the one hand side i do not want to seperate this tow models as well and i am missing 16 bit pcmcia support in openwrt at all. therefor the pcmciautils package is needed but not jet included in packages. then we have support for net45xx (with and without pcmcia support) net48xx and net55xx series.
my question first is to include the pcmciautils, i did this by hand, this was not very difficult, so it sould be easy to integrate in the package feed. (well in my opinion it has to be in the default packages in the trunk not in the feeds) my second offer is to paste the nessesary changes to the subtarget x86 generic profiles changes for the 3 models from soekris. any suggestions? ulf _______________________________________________ openwrt-devel mailing list openwrt-devel@lists.openwrt.org http://lists.openwrt.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openwrt-devel