Hi Michael,

> Does sox work for you now Micha?  I've had to disable alsa on my sox 
> compile so that I can use it without core-dumping. (500gP as well)
sorry, no success, but sox is not crashing.

If I try to play back a wav file (works perfect with aplay) sox is eating up
the cpu. After some seconds you can hear short snippets from the wav file
followed by 1 or 2 seconds silence.

file test.wav
test.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, stereo 
16000 Hz

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# time aplay test.wav
Playing WAVE 'test.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 16000 Hz, Stereo
real    0m 1.00s
user    0m 0.09s
sys     0m 0.04s

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# time play test.wav
Input Filename : test.wav
Sample Size    : 16-bits
Sample Encoding: signed (2's complement)
Channels       : 2
Sample Rate    : 16000

Time: 00:00.81 [00:00.00] of 00:00.81 ( 100.0%) Output Buffer:  35.63K

real    1m 27.65s
user    0m 6.70s
sys     1m 19.14s

It tooks about 90 seconds to play back the wav file (1 second) with sox.

Sorry for bad news


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