Hello Erick,

If you need help in porting the ixp435 board, I may be able to help.
I'm familiar with OpenWrt and recently did a port to an ixp425 board:

Jose Vasconcellos

Florian Fainelli wrote:
> No idea why it only came to me, forwarding to the list.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject:
> ENC: Port solution to Our board Request
> From:
> "Erick MacDonald Filzek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date:
> Mon, 27 Oct 2008 01:57:18 -0200
> To:
> To:
> Hello Admin / OpenWRT developers.
> We are the Owner of the Bradn WiMacMax and we Just have been realease 
> our new first Ultragious Power Board Yanomami IXP435.
> Our version are even better than Gatework and have more powerfull 
> specs than their board.
> We would like that have a close project to port the OpenWRT to our 
> Yanomami IXP435 board.
> We would like to know what is need and what we could help in stand 
> with the OpenWRT project?
> Another thing is that we will release 3 new routerboard with amazing 
> cost, based on Atheros AR7130 and AR7161 SoC.
> So, how and when can we start?
> Pictures of our Board are attached to the email.
> *Erick MacDonald Filzek*
> */International Business Manager - CEO SSI/*
> USAImport Importação e Exportação LTDA
> Brazil Brunch Office
> Pabx: (19) 3897-5281
> Fax: (19) 3897-5281 ext 270
> Cell: (19) 7804-6741
> Radio ID Nextel: 55*7*77635

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