> There has for a while been discussions amongst the dev-group about
> making the big step towards OpenWrt.org achieving non-profit status.
I've been wondering about this, and am pleased to see it's actually
being discussed/considered.  I, for one, would love to see more
openness and improvement on the donation process.  Nothing quite like
shipping a piece of mildly expensive equipment to $random_dev's house.
 However, I also echo Simon's concerns with diversion of energies - as
long as it can happen without detracting too much from the work (as in
art) at hand, I'm all for it.

> 1. Build an independent non-profit foundation
Like starting a small business or sole proprietorship, this has the
greatest flexibility and allows real control, but requires a sizeable
amount of dedication and effort on the part of at least one
individual.  It is my observation that maintaining a foundation isn't
terribly difficult or time-consuming, but startup (or re-startup, as
the case may be if the foundation is allowed to lapse) is definitely
more painful.

> 2. Join on eof the exisitng umbrella entities, such as;
The biggest argument I've seen against joining such entities is that
the POC on both sides is usually restricted to a 1:1 relationship.
Enter hit-by-a-bus discussion.

What is OpenWrt's current relationship with private business
interests?  How will that play into a transition?

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