I've created a new set of shell scripts for configuring and updating dynamic 
DNS in OpenWrt. A UCI config file (/etc/config/ddns) can be used to configure 
what service to connect to (e.g. dyndns.org, no-ip.com etc), how often to check 
for updates (because a hotplug  script isn't necessarily triggered when an 
interface gets a new ip from dhcp), and how often to force an update.   Since 
the busybox version of wget isn't well suited for doing dynamic dns updates, 
I've implemented a solution in these shell scripts that uses netcat.  Thus, 
there is no need to install the full wget (over 250Kb for the version without 
SSL).  Currently, dyndns.org, no-ip.com, and changeip.com services are 
supported, although more can easily be added by specifying the format of the 
update url in the /usr/lib/ddns/services file.  

The main advantage of these scripts over the existing updatedd packages is that 
you can specify how often to check for and to perform updates. You can also 
specify how to determine the router's ip. Also, updatedd seems to no longer be 
updated/supported as the link specified in the package 
(http://philipp-benner.de/updatedd/) doesn't work.

The main update script in the new package is largely based on the one posted in 
the forums by exobyte here: http://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php?id=14040

Index: net/ddns-scripts/files/usr/lib/ddns/shell_get.sh
--- net/ddns-scripts/files/usr/lib/ddns/shell_get.sh    (revision 0)
+++ net/ddns-scripts/files/usr/lib/ddns/shell_get.sh    (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+# Written by Eric Bishop, January 2008
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 
+# This implements a wget-like program ("shell_get 1.0") that can handle 
+# basic http username/password authentication.
+# It is implemented using the netcat (nc) utility. 
+# This is necessary because the default busybox wget
+# does not include username/password functionality (it really sucks)
+       dec=$1
+       hex=""
+       if [ $dec -lt 26 ]; then
+               hex=$(($dec + 0x41))
+       elif [ $dec -ge 26 ] && [ $dec -lt 52 ]; then
+               hex=$(( ($dec-26) + 0x61))
+       elif [ $dec -ge 52 ] && [ $dec -lt 62 ]; then
+               hex=$(( ($dec-52) + 0x30))
+       elif [ $dec -eq 62 ]; then
+               hex=43
+       else
+               hex=47
+       fi
+       printf "%x" $hex
+       original_str=$1
+       hex_str=$( echo -n "$original_str" | hexdump -v | awk '{ for ( i = 2; i 
<= NF; i++ ) {  h1=substr($i, 3, 2); h2=substr($i,0,2); printf("%s%s", h1, h2); 
}}' | awk ' { $0~gsub(/00$/, "") };{ i=1; while(i <= length($0) ){ block= 
substr($0, i, 3); printf("%s ", block); i=i+3;  }}' | awk ' {$0~gsub(/ $/, 
"")}; { print $0 }' )
+       length=$(echo $hex_str | awk  '{$0~gsub(/ /, "")}; { print length($0) 
+       remainder=$(($length % 3 ))
+       if [ $remainder -eq 1 ]; then
+               hex_str=$hex_str'00'
+       elif [ $remainder -eq 2 ]; then
+               hex_str=$hex_str'0'
+       fi
+       base_64_str=""
+       for hex_block in $hex_str
+       do
+               char1=$(to_ascii $((0x$hex_block / 64)))
+               char2=$(to_ascii $((0x$hex_block % 64)))
+               base_64_str=$(printf "$base_64_str\x$char1\x$char2")
+       done
+       if [ $remainder -eq 1 ]; then
+               base_64_str=$(echo "$base_64_str" | awk '{ $0~gsub(/A$/, "=");} 
{ print $0 }' )
+       elif [ $remainder -eq 2 ]; then
+               base_64_str=$(echo "$base_64_str==")
+       fi
+       echo $base_64_str
+       full_url=$1
+       protocol_str=$(echo $full_url | awk ' BEGIN {FS="://"} { 
if($0~/:\/\//)print $1 }')
+       if [ "$protocol_str" != "http" ] && [ -n "$protocol_str" ] ; then
+               echo "protocol = $protocol_str"
+               echo "Error, unsupported Protocol"
+               echo "Only http connections are supported at this time"
+               return 1;
+       fi
+       if [ -n "$protocol_str" ] ; then
+               full_url=$(echo $full_url | awk ' {$0~gsub(/http:\/\//, "")}; 
{print $0}')
+       fi
+       user_pass=$(echo $full_url | awk ' BEGIN {FS="@"}; { if( $0~/@/ && 
$1~/^[^\?\/]+:[^\?\/]+$/ ) print $1 }')
+       host_and_args=""
+       if [ -n "$user_pass" ]; then
+               host_and_args=$(echo $full_url | awk ' $0~gsub(/[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]@/, "") {print $0}')
+       else
+               host_and_args="$full_url"
+       fi
+       host_name=$(echo $host_and_args | awk ' BEGIN {FS="[:?/]"}; {print 
+       port_num=$(echo $host_and_args | awk ' BEGIN {FS="[?/]"}; { 
if($1~/:/){$1~gsub(/.*:/, ""); print $1;}else {print "80"}};')
+       path=$(echo $host_and_args | awk ' { $0~gsub(/^[^\?\/]+/, "")}; {print 
+       path_start_test=$(echo "$path" | grep "^/") 
+       if [ -z "$path_start_test" ]; then
+               path="/$path"
+       fi
+       #echo "full_url=\"$full_url\""
+       #echo "user_pass=\"$user_pass\""
+       #echo "host_name=\"$host_name\""
+       #echo "port_num=\"$port_num\""
+       #echo "path=\"$path\""
+       retrieved_data=""
+       if [ -n "$user_pass" ]; then
+               auth_str=$(encode_base64 "$user_pass" )
+               #echo -e "GET $path HTTP/1.0\nHost: $host_name\nAuthorization: 
Basic $auth_str\nUser-Agent: shell_get 1.0\n\n"
+               retrieved_data=$(echo -e "GET $path HTTP/1.0\nHost: 
$host_name\nAuthorization: Basic $auth_str\nUser-Agent: shell_get 1.0\n\n" | nc 
"$host_name" $port_num | cat)
+       else
+               #echo -e "GET $path HTTP/1.0\nHost: $host_name\nUser-Agent: 
shell_get 1.0\n\n"
+               retrieved_data=$(echo -e "GET $path HTTP/1.0\nHost: 
$host_name\nUser-Agent: shell_get 1.0\n\n" | nc "$host_name" $port_num | cat)
+       fi
+       echo -e "$retrieved_data"

Property changes on: net/ddns-scripts/files/usr/lib/ddns/shell_get.sh
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Index: net/ddns-scripts/files/usr/lib/ddns/services
--- net/ddns-scripts/files/usr/lib/ddns/services        (revision 0)
+++ net/ddns-scripts/files/usr/lib/ddns/services        (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# This file contains the update urls for various dynamic dns services.
+# Column one contains the service name, column two contains the update url.
+# within the update url there are 4 variables you can use: [USERNAME], 
+# [PASSWORD], [DOMAIN] and [IP].  These are substituted for the username, 
+# password, and domain name specified in the /etc/config/ddns file when an 
+# update is performed.  The IP is substituted for the current ip address of the
+# router.  These variables are case sensitive, while urls generally are not, 
+# if you need to enter the same text in the url (which seems very unlikely) 
+# that text in lowercase, while the variables should remain in uppercase
+"dyndns.org"           "http://[USERNAME]:[EMAIL 
+"changeip.com"         "http://[USERNAME]:[EMAIL 
+"zoneedit.com"         "http://[USERNAME]:[EMAIL 
+#noip is an alias of no-ip, so allow both names for the same service
+#freedns.afraid.org is weird, you just need an update code, for which we use 
the password variable
+# There are TONS of dynamic dns services out there. There's a huge list of 
them at:                       #
+# If anyone has time they could update this file to be compatible with a bunch 
of them                    #
Index: net/ddns-scripts/files/usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_updater.sh
--- net/ddns-scripts/files/usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_updater.sh  (revision 0)
+++ net/ddns-scripts/files/usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_updater.sh  (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+# /usr/lib/dynamic_dns/dynamic_dns_updater.sh
+# Written by Eric Paul Bishop, Janary 2008
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 
+# This script is (loosely) based on the one posted by exobyte in the forums 
+# http://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php?id=14040
+. /usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_functions.sh
+. /usr/lib/ddns/shell_get.sh
+if [ -z "$service_id" ]
+       echo "ERRROR: You must specify a service id (the section name in the 
/etc/config/ddns file) to initialize dynamic DNS."
+       return 1
+#default mode is verbose_mode, but easily turned off with second parameter
+if [ -n "$2" ]
+       verbose_mode="$2"
+# Leave this comment here, to clearly document variable names
+# that are expected/possible
+# Now use load_all_config_options to load config
+# options, which is a much more flexible solution.
+#config_load "ddns"
+#config_get enabled $service_id enabled
+#config_get service_name $service_id service_name
+#config_get update_url $service_id update_url
+#config_get username $service_id username
+#config_get password $service_id password
+#config_get domain $service_id domain
+#config_get ip_source $service_id ip_source
+#config_get ip_interface $service_id ip_interface
+#config_get ip_network $service_id ip_network
+#config_get ip_url $service_id ip_url
+#config_get force_interval $service_id force_interval
+#config_get force_unit $service_id force_unit
+#config_get check_interval $service_id check_interval
+#config_get check_unit $service_id check_unit
+load_all_config_options "ddns" "$service_id"
+#some defaults
+if [ -z "$check_interval" ]
+       check_interval=600
+if [ -z "$check_unit" ]
+       check_unit="seconds"
+if [ -z "$force_interval" ]
+       force_interval=72
+if [ -z "$force_unit" ]
+       force_unit="hours"
+#some constants
+retrieve_prog="/usr/bin/wget --no-check-certificate -O - ";
+if [ -h "/usr/bin/wget" ]
+       busybox_wget=$(ls -l /usr/bin/wget | awk ' { if ($0~/busybox/) { print 
"BUSYBOX"}} ')
+       if [ -n "$busybox_wget" ]; then
+               retrieve_prog="shell_get"
+       fi
+verbose_echo "retrieve_prog=\"$retrieve_prog\""
+#determine what update url we're using if the service_name is supplied
+if [ -n "$service_name" ]
+       #remove any lines not containing data, and then make sure fields are 
enclosed in double quotes
+       quoted_services=$(cat $service_file |  grep "^[\t ]*[^#]" |  awk ' 
gsub("\x27", "\"") { if ($1~/^[^\"]*$/) $1="\""$1"\"" }; { if ( $NF~/^[^\"]*$/) 
$NF="\""$NF"\""  }; { print $0 }' )
+       #echo "quoted_services = $quoted_services"
+       OLD_IFS=$IFS
+       for service_line in $quoted_services
+       do
+               #grep out proper parts of data and use echo to remove quotes
+               next_name=$(echo $service_line | grep -o "^[\t ]*\"[^\"]*\"" | 
xargs -r -n1 echo)
+               next_url=$(echo $service_line | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"[\t ]*$" | 
xargs -r -n1 echo)
+               if [ "$next_name" = "$service_name" ]
+               then
+                       update_url=$next_url
+               fi
+       done
+       IFS=$OLD_IFS
+verbose_echo "update_url=$update_url"
+#if this service isn't enabled then quit
+if [ "$enabled" != "1" ] 
+       return 0
+#compute update interval in seconds
+case "$force_unit" in
+       "days" )
+               force_interval_seconds=$(($force_interval*60*60*24))
+               ;;
+       "hours" )
+               force_interval_seconds=$(($force_interval*60*60))
+               ;;
+       "minutes" )
+               force_interval_seconds=$(($force_interval*60))
+               ;;
+       "seconds" )
+               force_interval_seconds=$force_interval
+               ;;
+       * )
+               #default is hours
+               force_interval_seconds=$(($force_interval*60*60))
+               ;;
+#compute check interval in seconds
+case "$check_unit" in
+       "days" )
+               check_interval_seconds=$(($check_interval*60*60*24))
+               ;;
+       "hours" )
+               check_interval_seconds=$(($check_interval*60*60))
+               ;;
+       "minutes" )
+               check_interval_seconds=$(($check_interval*60))
+               ;;
+       "seconds" )
+               check_interval_seconds=$check_interval
+               ;;
+       * )
+               #default is seconds
+               check_interval_seconds=$check_interval
+               ;;
+verbose_echo "force seconds = $force_interval_seconds"
+verbose_echo "check seconds = $check_interval_seconds"
+#kill old process if it exists & set new pid file
+if [ -d /var/run/dynamic_dns ]
+       #if process is already running, stop it
+       if [ -e "/var/run/dynamic_dns/$service_id.pid" ]
+       then
+               old_pid=$(cat /var/run/dynamic_dns/$service_id.pid)
+               test_match=$(ps | grep "^[\t ]*$old_pid")
+               verbose_echo "old process id (if it exists) = \"$test_match\""
+               if [ -n  "$test_match" ]
+               then
+                       kill $old_pid
+               fi
+       fi
+       #make dir since it doesn't exist
+       mkdir /var/run/dynamic_dns
+echo $$ > /var/run/dynamic_dns/$service_id.pid
+#determine when the last update was
+current_time=$(date +%s)
+last_update=$(( $current_time - (2*$force_interval_seconds) ))
+if [ -e "/var/run/dynamic_dns/$service_id.update" ]
+       last_update=$(cat /var/run/dynamic_dns/$service_id.update)
+time_since_update=$(($current_time - $last_update))
+human_time_since_update=$(( $time_since_update / ( 60 * 60 ) ))
+verbose_echo "time_since_update = $human_time_since_update hours"
+registered_ip=$(echo $(nslookup "$domain" 2>/dev/null) |  grep -o "Name:.*" | 
grep -o "$ip_regex")
+#do update and then loop endlessly, checking ip every check_interval and 
forcing an updating once every force_interval
+while [ true ]
+       current_ip=$(get_current_ip)
+       current_time=$(date +%s)
+       time_since_update=$(($current_time - $last_update))
+       verbose_echo "Running IP check..."
+       verbose_echo "current system ip = $current_ip"
+       verbose_echo "registered domain ip = $registered_ip"
+       if [ "$current_ip" != "$registered_ip" ]  || [ $force_interval_seconds 
-lt $time_since_update ]
+       then
+               verbose_echo "update necessary, performing update ..."
+               #do replacement
+               final_url=$update_url
+               for option_var in $ALL_OPTION_VARIABLES
+               do
+                       replace_name=$(echo "\[$option_var\]" | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z')
+                       replace_value=$(eval echo "\$$option_var")
+                       final_url=$(echo $final_url | sed 
s/"$replace_name"/"$replace_value"/g )
+               done    
+               final_url=$(echo $final_url | sed s/"\[IP\]"/"$current_ip"/g )
+               verbose_echo "updating with url=\"$final_url\""
+               #here we actually connect, and perform the update
+               update_output=$( $retrieve_prog "$final_url" )
+               verbose_echo "Update Output:"
+               verbose_echo "$update_output"
+               verbose_echo ""
+               #save the time of the update
+               current_time=$(date +%s)
+               last_update=$current_time
+               time_since_update='0'
+               registered_ip=$current_ip
+               human_time=$(date)
+               verbose_echo "update complete, time is: $human_time"
+               echo "$last_update" > "/var/run/dynamic_dns/$service_id.update"
+       else
+               human_time=$(date)
+               human_time_since_update=$(( $time_since_update / ( 60 * 60 ) ))
+               verbose_echo "update unnecessary"
+               verbose_echo "time since last update = $human_time_since_update 
+               verbose_echo "the time is now $human_time"
+       fi
+       #sleep for 10 minutes, then re-check ip && time since last update
+       sleep $check_interval_seconds
+#should never get here since we're a daemon, but I'll throw it in anyway
+return 0

Property changes on: net/ddns-scripts/files/usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_updater.sh
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Index: net/ddns-scripts/files/usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_functions.sh
--- net/ddns-scripts/files/usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_functions.sh        
(revision 0)
+++ net/ddns-scripts/files/usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_functions.sh        
(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# /usr/lib/dynamic_dns/dynamic_dns_functions.sh
+# Written by Eric Paul Bishop, Janary 2008
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 
+# This script is (loosely) based on the one posted by exobyte in the forums 
+# http://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php?id=14040
+. /etc/functions.sh
+include /lib/network
+#loads all options for a given package and section
+#also, sets all_option_variables to a list of the variable names
+       pkg_name="$1"
+       section_id="$2"
+       # this callback loads all the variables
+       # in the section_id section when we do
+       # config_load. We need to redefine
+       # the option_cb for different sections
+       # so that the active one isn't still active
+       # after we're done with it.  For reference
+       # the $1 variable is the name of the option
+       # and $2 is the name of the section
+       config_cb() 
+       {
+               if [ ."$2" = ."$section_id" ]; then
+                       option_cb()
+                       {
+                               ALL_OPTION_VARIABLES="$ALL_OPTION_VARIABLES $1"
+                       }
+               else
+                       option_cb() { return 0; }
+               fi
+       }
+       config_load "$pkg_name"
+       for var in $ALL_OPTION_VARIABLES
+       do
+               config_get "$var" "$section_id" "$var"
+       done
+       #if ip source is not defined, assume we want to get ip from wan 
+       if [ "$ip_source" != "interface" ] && [ "$ip_source" != "web" ]
+       then
+               ip_source="network"
+               ip_network="wan"
+       fi
+       if [ "$ip_source" = "network" ]
+       then
+               if [ -z "$ip_network" ]
+               then
+                       ip_network="wan"
+               fi
+               scan_interfaces
+               config_load /var/state/network
+               config_get ip_interface $ip_network ifname
+       fi
+       current_ip='';
+       if [ "$ip_source" = "network" ] || [ "$ip_source" = "interface" ]
+       then
+               current_ip=$(ifconfig $ip_interface | grep -o 'inet 
addr:[0-9.]*' | grep -o "$ip_regex")
+       else
+               # get ip from web
+               # we check each url in order in ip_url variable, and if no ips 
are found we use dyndns ip checker
+               # ip is set to FIRST expression in page that matches the 
ip_regex regular expression
+               for addr in $ip_url
+               do
+                       if [ -z "$current_ip" ]
+                       then
+                               current_ip=$(echo $( wget -O - $addr 
2>/dev/null) | grep -o "$ip_regex")
+                       fi
+               done
+               #here we hard-code the dyndns checkip url in case no url was 
+               if [ -z "$current_ip" ]
+               then
+                       current_ip=$(echo $( wget -O - 
http://checkip.dyndns.org 2>/dev/null) | grep -o "$ip_regex")
+               fi
+       fi
+       echo "$current_ip"
+       if [ "$verbose_mode" = 1 ]
+       then
+               echo $1
+       fi
+       SECTIONS=""
+       config_cb() 
+       {
+               SECTIONS="$SECTIONS $2"
+       }
+       config_load "ddns"
+       for section in $SECTIONS
+       do
+               /usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_updater.sh $section 0&
+       done

Property changes on: 
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Index: net/ddns-scripts/files/etc/ppp/ip-up.d/25-ddns
--- net/ddns-scripts/files/etc/ppp/ip-up.d/25-ddns      (revision 0)
+++ net/ddns-scripts/files/etc/ppp/ip-up.d/25-ddns      (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+. /usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_functions.sh

Property changes on: net/ddns-scripts/files/etc/ppp/ip-up.d/25-ddns
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Index: net/ddns-scripts/files/etc/hotplug.d/iface/25-ddns
--- net/ddns-scripts/files/etc/hotplug.d/iface/25-ddns  (revision 0)
+++ net/ddns-scripts/files/etc/hotplug.d/iface/25-ddns  (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+. /usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_functions.sh
+config_load "network"
+config_get wan_proto "wan" "proto"
+#only start if we're bringing up wan and ppp isn't being used
+#if ppp, it's better to use the /etc/ppp/ip-up.d because ip
+#changes will trigger this directory to be run while only
+#an interface going up or down will trigger this
+if [ "$INTERFACE" = "wan" ] && [ "$ACTION" = "ifup" ] && [ "$wan_proto" != 
'pppoe' ]
+       start_daemon_for_all_ddns_sections

Property changes on: net/ddns-scripts/files/etc/hotplug.d/iface/25-ddns
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Index: net/ddns-scripts/files/etc/config/ddns
--- net/ddns-scripts/files/etc/config/ddns      (revision 0)
+++ net/ddns-scripts/files/etc/config/ddns      (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# In order to enable dynamic dns you need at least one section,
+# and in that seciton the "enabled" option must be set to one
+# Each section represents an update to a different service
+# You specify your domain name, your username and your password
+# with the optins "domain", "username" and "password" respectively
+# Next you need to specify the name of the service you are 
+# connecting to "eg. dyndns.org".  The format of the update
+# urls for several different dynamic dns services is specified
+# in the /usr/lib/ddns/services file.  This list is hardly complete
+# as there are many, many different dynamic dns services.  If your
+# service is on the list you can merely specify it with the 
+# "service_name" option.  Otherwise you will need to determine
+# the format of the url to update with.  You can either add an
+# entry to the /usr/lib/ddns/services file or specify this with
+# the "update_url" option.
+# We also need to specify the source of the ip address to associate with
+# your domain.  The "ip_source" option can be "network", "interface"
+# or "web", with "network" as the default.  
+# If "ip_source" is "network" you specify a network section in your 
+# /etc/network config file (e.g. "wan", which is the default) with
+# the "ip_network" option.  If you specify "wan", you will update
+# with whatever the ip for your wan is.
+# If "ip_source" is "interface" you specify a hardware interface 
+# (e.g. "eth1") and whatever the current ip of this interface is
+# will be associated with the domain when an update is performed.
+# The last possibility is that "ip_source" is "web", which means
+# that in order to obtain our ip address we will connect to a 
+# website, and the first valid ip address listed on that page
+# will be assumed to be ours.  If you are behind another firewall
+# this is the best option since none of the local networks or 
+# interfaces will have the external ip.  The website to connect
+# to is specified by the "ip_url" option.  You may specify multiple
+# urls in the option, separated by whitespace.
+# Finally we need to specify how often to check whether we need
+# to check whether the ip address has changed (and if so update
+# it) and how often we need to force an update ( many services
+# will expire your domain if you don't connect and do an update
+# every so often).  Use the "check_interval" to specify how
+# often to check whether an update is necessary, and the 
+# "force_interval" option to specify how often to force an
+# update.  Specify the units for these values with the "check_unit"
+# and the "force_unit" options.  Units can be "days", "hours",
+# "minutes" or "seconds".  The default force_unit is hours and the
+# default check_unit is seconds.  The default check_interval is
+# 600 seconds, or ten minutes.  The default force_interval is 
+# 72 hours or 3 days.
+config service "myddns"
+       option enabled          "0"
+       option service_name     "dyndns.org"
+       option domain           "mypersonaldomain.dyndns.org"
+       option username         "myusername"
+       option password         "mypassword"
+       option ip_source        "network" 
+       option ip_network       "wan"
+       option force_interval   "72"
+       option force_unit       "hours"
+       option check_interval   "10"
+       option check_unit       "minutes"
+       #option ip_source       "interface"
+       #option ip_interface    "eth0.1"
+       #option ip_source       "web"
+       #option ip_url          
+       #option update_url      "http://[USERNAME]:[EMAIL 
Index: net/ddns-scripts/Makefile
--- net/ddns-scripts/Makefile   (revision 0)
+++ net/ddns-scripts/Makefile   (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
+include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
+define Package/ddns-scripts
+       SECTION:=net
+       CATEGORY:=Network
+       TITLE:=Dynamic DNS Scripts
+define Package/ddns-scripts/description
+       A highly configurable set of scripts for doing
+       dynamic dns updates
+define Build/Prepare
+define Build/Configure
+define Build/Compile
+define Package/ddns-scripts/install
+       $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)
+       $(CP) ./files/* $(1)/
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,ddns-scripts))
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