| From: David Farning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

| Below is a very rough outline-brain dump- of what I think a user needs
| to know before installing a pre-built image.

Tough problem -- what can you assume the reader knows?

I guess that the first thing to state is what you do assume that they

|  Installation recipies
| are *bullshit*.  

Why do you say that?  I can think of reasons, but I don't know if they
are yours.

I think that recipes are brittle: if any of the ground shifts, the
user gets loss.  Without the right tools, they can only recover in spite
of a recipe.

| All of the sections needs to be fleshed out(I expect the chapter to end up
| being about 40-50 pages long) .

That is an awfully long chapter.  Maybe subsections will be sufficiently
bite-sized to make the document easy enough to absorb.

|  I would appricate
| suggestions on key stuff that I am missing.

I read what you wrote.  I am surely not be the target audience, but it
didn't give me much of value.

I wonder whether the generality of the set of targets make it hard to
say specific things and the specific is the easiest to understand.

| The chapter will have two goals.
| 1  The reader should have enough knowledge to an image on their device.
| 2  The reader should be able to find and refer to other embedded
| device books.

I would think that (1) might be best separated from and preceded by 
explaining (0) how a OpenWrt system fits together.
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