
What are the comments to the following -->

How to organize a release-testing-team?

1. it needs someone to keep track of when the dev-group plans to "ship" 
a new release - this can either be the dev-group making an announcement 
or someone who does this on behalf on the dev-group?

2. prior to each release it is needed to collect an up-to-date list of 
things which needs to be tested, apart from the basic 'does failsafe 
work and is it possible to restore firmware' - how is this best done?

3. the release-testing-team can either be ad-hoc (as members who just 
report back 'bugs') or an identified group - in both cases it is needed 
to keep track of the feedback (is it sufficient with the present 'ticket 
system' or ...)?

4. think I just had a meltdown :-/

Gregers Petersen, Anthropologist
openwrt-devel mailing list

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