Hello everyone, Environment: Debian 11.11
easyrsa version 3.0.8 Issue: I’m trying to initialise and build my intermediate CA easyrsa build-ca does not use my modified variables when it creates my new CA. My custom variables are in the file “vars" in my ~/easy-rsa directory The vars file is a copy of the file “vars.example" in vars, I have modified the following variables: set_var EASYRSA “~/easy-rsa/" set_var EASYRSA_KEY_SIZE 4096 set_var EASYRSA_DIGEST "sha512" The file permissions assign to the file ~/easy-rsa/vars are u=rw,go=, where the file owner is the owner of ~/ I’ve also tried an ownership definition of u=rw,go=r, but this makes no difference. When I run the commands: ./easyrsa init-pki ./easyrsa build-ca and then check the created certificate with: openssl x509 -noout -text -in ~/easy-rsa/pki/ca.crt I find: Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption RSA Public-Key: (2048 bit) This is not what I had defined in ~/esay-rsa/vars. Any pointers on how to get this working will be appreciated. Kind regards, Bruce _______________________________________________ Openvpn-users mailing list Openvpn-users@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/openvpn-users