Hi, this is my first time in this list.

This may be too simple a question, but I did not find a clear answer when
googling and reading the README.quickstart.md. All the examples I found
were more concentrated for the server side setup.

So I would need to be connected to an openvpn server not hosted by me and
the owner of the server asked me to send my credentials for the server key.
At the moment I do not know the name of the server, ca-files of it or
anything. I believe that once I send my public key, he can then generate
the configuration file for me that I can use to connect to the server.

Can I just use openssl to generate a public-private key pair and then just
send the generated public key for the openvpn server maintainer or do I
need to use the easyrsa3/easyrsa to generate the keys that openvpn can use?
If I need/can use the easyrsa3 to do that, are there any examples/docs for
the commands I need to use?

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