Hi all,
Before asking the obvious: yes, i did go through the man-page, and 
doc/tls-crypt-v2.txt... :)

Today I was experimenting with  "crypt2":

1) I can generate a tls-crypt2-server-key

2) And based on that key, I can generate several tls-crypt2-client-keys

So far so good, BUT:

1) how can I revoke a SINGLE client key (as this  was suggested as a 'new 

2) how do i the verification? I presume with "tls-crypt-v2-verify cmd"

However, is there an environment variable containing  the client-key that I 
could hold against an existing lists (and could remove one from it) ?

Google only tells that crypt2 is much better and more flexible, but refrains 
from telling HOW...

Met vriendelijke groet,
Hans Witvliet, J, Ing., DMO/OPS/I&S/APH, Kennis Team Opensource
Coldenhovelaan 1 Maasland 3531RC Coldehovelaan 1, kamer B213

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