> On 30. Nov 2023, at 11:42, Aleksandar Ivanisevic <aleksan...@ivanisevic.de> 
> wrote:
>> On 29. Nov 2023, at 16:32, Antonio Quartulli <a...@unstable.cc> wrote:
>> Rather than the CRL changing, I am trying to imagine if the CRL is being 
>> "substituted" between startup and runtime. This is why I speculated about 
>> chroot.
>> Mounting the config folder is not far from that, but I presume the mount 
>> happens before starting the openvpn process, so I can't see how you end up 
>> with a different file.
>> Does /home/support/config/vpn/ contain anything before starting the openvpn 
>> process (and thus mounting the config dir)?
> it contains everything, even the main config file is a symlink to the file in 
> that dir
> $ ls -al /etc/openvpn/server/qbs.conf 
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 36 Apr 12  2020 /etc/openvpn/server/qbs.conf -> 
> /home/support/config/vpn/server.conf
> I don’t remember why I didn’t just override the WorkingDirectory, it was a 
> couple of years ago when I was setting this up, probably wanted not to 
> confuse other admins seeing the vpn server running but no config in the usual 
> place.
> But you might be onto something, I just tried on the test server just 
> overriding the WorkingDirectory and that worked, will try in production this 
> evening and report back.

Well, what do you know, it worked! No more error with the identical config.

I will leave it like this (i.e. systemd unit WorkingDirectory pointing to 
config dir and nothing in  /etc/openvpn/server/) since this is a much cleaner 
solution, i.e. no symlinks and I don’t have to reference full paths everywhere 
so the config file look a bit less scary ;)

If anyone wants to investigate further why would symlinking the main config 
file behave differently than pointing to it directly, I can help with testing.

Thank you Antonio for useful hints.


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