On Thu, 19 Oct 2023 22:52:12 +0000, tincantech via Openvpn-users
<openvpn-users@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:

>I think I have misunderstood above.
>You want to take away client access to the server LAN.

Yes, I want these clients to only use the VPN server as a way to reach the
Internet from anothere lo0cation than their own. But not allowing them to reach
into the VPN server's loacal LAN.

I will set up another server instance usingf a different tunnel IP range and
then create some IPTABLES rule to drop any such clients if they send packets to
a host on the same LAN as the server is running on.

I have done that previously using ccd commands to assign a user a specific IP
address and then block that address in IPTABLEWS from reaching the LAN (except
the gateway of course).

But itr was a bit of a hassle so I hoped I could make a web-only server that
would only transfer packets to the web and not to the LAN.

>That must be done with the server firewall.
>eg: block VPN IPs from sending to the server LAN.

THat's IPTABLES, right?

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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