On 10/2/2023 3:59 PM, Selva Nair wrote:

On Mon, Oct 2, 2023 at 3:00 PM mike tancsa <m...@sentex.net> wrote:

    I am in a position where I want to start migrating users away from my
    old CA which will expire in the medium term future to a new CA. I
    many endpoint and cant just   "OK, everyone download a new files
    So I am looking at the steps in


    which allows both sets of clients to connect to existing
    infrastructure.  Moving to different ports / IPs etc is not easy
    to do
    either as firewalls at local sites are controlled by many orgs and
    getting those changed is non trivial.

    Step 1 ok - new CA added (stacked)

    Step 2, "Also, the server certificate is replaced by one signed by
    new CA."  Also done. Clients with certs signed with the new CA can

    Step 3, "Additionally, an intermediate certificate
    (OLD-NEW-IM.crt) that
    uses the private key of the new CA, but is signed by the old CA, gets
    added to the server certificate file. IMPORTANT: When signing the new
    server certificate, the 'authorityKeyIdentifier' section must only
    include the keyid, and not the issuer. This is necessary to prevent
    issues related to different subjects of the old and new CA's."

    Thats the part I am not sure of.  Can this be done with easy rsa 3
    or do
    I need to manually do it with openssl.  I am thinking this is an
    cli thing. If so, has anyone done this that can share the steps ?

If you can afford two rounds of client config updates, this could be done without step 3  -- see the following thread from users list:


Essentially, update to the stacked CA (old+new) on server and stacked CA + new client certs on clients one by one. When all clients are updated, change the server certificate to the new one. Then do another round of client update where old CA is removed from the stack.

A link certificate allows one to do this in one round of client updates as also discussed in that thread. I have used OpenSSL CLI in the past for this but do not have a recipe at hand. No idea whether easyrsa could do it.

I think I am getting closer with the "one step" process with an intermediary cert. I am able to start up the server with both the new CA signed server cert and the intermediary as outlined in "Step 3" above. However, its like the server is not sending two server certs to the connecting client and the stacked crt is not working.  In my openvpn config if I have something like

ca keys/new/ca2.crt
cert keys/new/ronly.pem
key keys/new/r-only.key

Where ca2.crt contains both the root certificates (old and new) and ronly.pem contains both the new OpenVPN server cert and the intermediary CA crt signed by the old CA, it only works for one client or the other based on where I have the certificate in the .pem file. So if I put the new cert first in the list, new clients can connect. If I put the intermediary first in the file, old clients can connect, but not the new ones. Is there an extra step I need to do or am I misunderstanding where the intermediary cert needs to go or what needs to be signed ?


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