On 30.08.23 07:45, Jason Long via Openvpn-users wrote:
I configured OpenVPN to use the username and password forĀ authentication,
but I need to have the "ca.crt", "cert server.crt", "server.key" and
"dh.pem" certificates.
So, what's the advantage of using this authentication method when I
still need to use these keys?

Umh, not having to roll out certificatesĀ¹ to the *clients* (assuming that your list is indeed complete)?

I would guess that you *could* do away with those files as well ... if you're willing to run the VPN *unencrypted* as well. User+pass does not provide for encryption keys.

Ā¹ And I mean *certificates*, half of what you list aren't.

Kind regards,
Jochen Bern

Binect GmbH

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