On 23.07.23 16:35, Jason Long wrote:
I have two more questions:
1- So, both of IP address and Port number must be different?
2- If the IP address is different, then the port can be the same?
Please answer my questions by number.

#2 is correct. For any protocol (like TCP and UDP) that uses "ports", IP address and port define an endpoint (that you can offer a distinct service on), and two endpoints define a connection. Whether it's the address, the port, or both that make an endpoint differ from another is irrelevant to everyone except the guy who has to set up the server.

But what I actually wanted to tell you is that you'll have to pinpoint *which* IPs are actually relevant to your questions. If I guessed your setup correctly, then your VPN clients will connect to some public IP like, e.g., (that's the relevant one), your NAT box forwards the connections to your OpenVPN server via its private IPs (that's what you'll see set on its NICs), and once the client sends traffic *through* the VPN, it'll be seen coming from (picked from the range in your server's "server" statement), rather than from whatever address the client has "in the Internet". It's important to keep all these addresses and their roles separate, as their choice/design follows different requirements.

Kind regards,
Jochen Bern

Binect GmbH

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