> Sent: Friday, February 10, 2023 at 5:23 AM
> From: "Gert Doering" <g...@greenie.muc.de>
> To: "Stella Ashburne" <rewe...@gmx.com>
> Cc: openvpn-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [Openvpn-users] OpenVPN-2.6.0-I004-amd64.msi still fails to work 
> on Microsoft Windows 11 if opvpn-dco is enabled
> Hi,
Hi Gert

> It does, and it matters a lot.  Mullvad breaks the OpenVPN protocol
> with their server configs (they should never ever push "comp-lzo" 
> settings to a client that is not signalling it's willingness to accept
> them).
Thanks for your explanation.

> This is a common theme: VPN providers not understanding the evolution
> in the OpenVPN world and doing things that might have made sense 5-10
> years ago, but are no longer the correct thing to do - and of course,
> not testing new OpenVPN client releases, and never talking to us.  Different
> providers do *different* things in wrong ways, so knowing which provider
> you have problems with is very important to us so we can reproduce,
> understand and fix the problem.

Again, thanks for your explanation.
> Otherwise, talk to the VPN
> vendor you are paying for, and ask them why it's not working with them
Fair enough. I shall ask my VPN vendor/provider why it doesn't implement 

Best regards.


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