I have scanned the documentation for OpenVPN:

But I do not find a setting that will swichh ON timetsmps in log lines.

There are these related items:

It seems to disallow timestam ps which is exactly what my installation does
*without* this setting...

I really do not understand the description here. It seems like this would use
some kind of special formatting of the timestamp, but does not control the fact
that we want timestamps in the first place...

time_ascii and time_unix
Seems to only be related to the execution of the --client-connect script.

I have looked in vain for a --enable-timestamps settings.

The only log related items in my conf file are:
log /etc/openvpn/log/openvpn.log
verb 4
mute 10

It would help a lot if I could see the timestamps when debugging problems

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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