
after enabling VRRP (http://docs.frrouting.org/en/latest/vrrp.html) on our OpenVPN servers I stepped into a strange problem regarding the UDP answer packets from the Server.

If those packets (UDP 1194) originate on the VRRP-IP, which resides on a macvtap interface, the server emits ARP requests with the remote destination IP - as if the interface had a netmask /0. Of course nobody answers this ARPs and the connection fails.

What I found here seems to describe the same problem: https://forums.openvpn.net/viewtopic.php?t=7812

All other connections with that VRRP-IP work fine, even other UDP connections (dns server). Only openvpn and only on this particular IPv4 (IPv6 works fine) is affected.

Maybe the way openvpn handles it's socket triggers a weird kernel behaviour here, because the master interface (eth) and the enslaved macvtap (vrrp) have different IPs on the same subnet and the interface route on that macvtap device is active and inactive at the same time, somehow?

If I trace with iptables I see the correct outgoing packet to the remote IP. So somehow the kernel thinks it has to send ARP for it instead of sending it to the default route nexthop.

Does this sound familiar to anyone? How to solve or workaround? Do I have to write a fake arp responder which responds with the nexthop to all strange arp requests?

Viele Grüße,

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