Hi Stella,

Stella Ashburne wrote:

For as long as I can remember, the person who built and released the community 
versions of OpenVPN also released them for Debian. That person preceded our 
friend, Samuli. I just went with whatever was offered by that person and then 

Based on this Debian page the package maintainer is Bernhard Schmidt, not Samuli: https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/openvpn

You asked me: "Do you really need 2.5.4 instead of 2.5.1?" I myself am unable 
to answer it.

I guess if you cannot answer it, the answer is very likely "no" :)

Perhaps you can help me to understand what I do by answering my questions. They 

1. What do I stand to lose/gain if I use 2.5.1 (from Debian's official repos)?

2. What do I stand to lose/gain if I use 2.5.3 (from Samuli's repos)?

Independent of the question on the current release (2.5.1 vs. 2.5.4), the openvpn packages website https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/OpenvpnSoftwareRepos mentions this:

Latest OpenVPN releases are available in the OpenVPN project's apt 
repositories. This allow you to use more up-to-date version of OpenVPN than 
what is typically available in your distribution's repositories.

This means, the minor release for the official Debian packages for bullseye will remain 2.5.x and will receive only security patches. If you really need a newer major (3.x) or minor release (2.x) eventually depends on your needs for a specific upcoming openvpn feature. If you are happy with the feature set that 2.5 provides and if you want a stable openvpn installation you probably want to stick with the official Debian packages. And of course you can still upgrade to the openvpn community packages by Samuli at any point in the future.

In the meantime, while I wait for Samuli to offer the 2.5.4 version for Debian, 
can I use version 2.5.3 for buster on Debian 11? (For your info, I am using 
version 2.5.3 for Debian Buster/10 on my Debian Bullseye/11).

That might not work, if the package dependencies (libc, libssl, etc.) differed of those for bullseye. Anyways, the differences between 2.5.4 (openvpn community) and 2.5.1 (debian) are small - see: https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/ChangesInOpenvpn25


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