
I'm wanting to set up an OpenVPN external client to an internal
OpenVPN server. I've got an Orbi mesh system and I've updated it to
the latest firmware. What I'm not liking about the Orbi is it's not
using strong protocols and ciphers, specifically a gcm cipher and
hardening the configuration of the OpenVPN server and connecting
external clients. So I'm wanting to set up an internal OpenVPN server
that I can forward UDP port 1194 to when the external client wants to
access. The OpenVPN server is running on a Raspberry Pi 4 running
Raspbian Buster I believe.

I'd like to get it going to hav all of the information in to a single
configuration file so I only have to distribute one file vs a separate
certificate/key/tls certificate. I'm thinking from reading the docs
that i'd like to also add to this file a tls-crypt section as that has
the edge over the tls-auth.

Does anyone have a howto with 2.5 which will get this going? My
openssl version on the Pi is version 1.1.something d I think.


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