Hello all,

I would like to announce a new version of "ovpn-dco-win"-enabled
client. Here are some changes from the previous version:

1) MSI based installer. This makes upgrades from existing
installations more smooth, since starting from version 2.5 openvpn has
switched to MSI.

  - ovpn-dco-win driver is installed only on Windows 10 2004 and
newer, on other versions the driver feature won't be even visible in
installer dialog

  - (un)installer should correctly handle cases when ovpn-dco-win
adapter is in use. It shuts down openvpn service and, if that doesn't
help, prompts to
reboot at the end of (un)installation

  - driver is deleted from Windows driver store on uninstallation

2) Fixes to the driver itself:

 - control packets from the previous VPN session could be delivered to
a client which has started a new VPN session. This happened
in rare cases when control packets were read by the driver from the
network and the app hasn't issued read requests

 - crypto: when adding a new key, data channel packet-id hasn't been
re-initialized. In some cases this caused VPN session to stop
after key renegotiation

3) The client code is based on the latest version of Arne Schwabe's
dco branch (https://github.com/schwabe/openvpn/tree/dco, commit
which, comparison the previous version, includes deferred
authentication improvements, openvpn state machine refactoring and
many other nice things.

The signed installation package could be downloaded from

The driver repo is hosted here: https://github.com/openvpn/ovpn-dco-win

As before, to enable ovpn-dco-win driver, add following options to the
ovpn profile:

    windows-driver ovpn-dco-win
    tun-mtu 1428

Please give it a try (since this is a feature preview, avoid
installation on production systems) and report your feedback
(especially performance improvements if you notice any) to help us get
ovpn-dco-win into the next major release.


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