On Sun, Mar 14, 2021 at 22:05:38 -0600, Eric Schoeller wrote:
> This gets a little sloppy with the need to have multiple
> tunnels/networks on each machine, but it works and resolves the
> problem of having 'Server A' become unavailable - B and C can still
> communicate.
> Is there a better way to do this? Somehow having all three machines
> participate in the same network?

For what it's worth, depending on how tied you are to using OpenVPN, you
might find that tinc works better for this particular application.  In
particular, tinc can build a mesh network between all nodes in the
network, rather than being limited to client-server relationships
between pairs of nodes....


Nathan Stratton Treadway  -  natha...@ontko.com  -  Mid-Atlantic region
Ray Ontko & Co.  -  Software consulting services  -   http://www.ontko.com/
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