Em 07/10/2020 19:58, Leroy Tennison via Openvpn-users escreveu:
We use OpenVPN but are getting requests from customers for IPSec.  In doing research I came across a reference stating the OpenVPN development team has "subscribed to" some standard for secure development but, of course, now I can't find it.  Does anyone have a reference to what I'm talking about? I'm painfully aware that IPSec is more complex, difficult to set up and less robust in recovering from failed connections than OpenVPN but am looking for additional justification.  Anything that anyone has to offer (third-party commercial products such as firewall vendors using OpenVPN, reviews/analysis of OpenVPN, "security expert" recommendations, etc) would be appreciated.  Thanks for your help.

    While not exactly using OpenVPN (which implements a SSL VPN protocol using the industry standards SSL/TLS protocols), even the big ones (Fortinet, Cisco, etc) are giving up IPSec instead of their own implementation of SSL-VPNs, given the ease of dealing with NAT and firewalls.

    It seems to me that going for IPSec, at this point in time, would actually be going back.

    While defined as a standard, all vendors implements IPSec with its own extensions and specially for client-to-site connections (called roadwarrions in IPSec terms), you'll need to install that firewall vendor IPSec client anyway, forget about the "standard protocol which can be configured anywhere", that never existed. You'll depend on the VPN client from that vendor, despite using a so-called "standard" VPN protocol. In reality, that almost never happened.

    For site-to-site VPNS, there I have to agree, you can basically stablish IPSec VPNs from anything to anything who supports IPSec. But for the client-to-site, it never existed such a thing as "standard IPSec implementation".


        Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
        Leonardo Rodrigues
        Solutti Tecnologia

        Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
        My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

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