
On 01/07/2020 19:03, Marco De Vitis wrote:
Il 01/07/20 18:43, tincanteksup ha scritto:
This is the reason as explained by Micro****

Thanks, I already found many descriptions of the reason for this issue, it really looks the same issue I'm experiencing, but the strange thing is that my configuration should already be ok and no workaround seems to be useful in my case. This is why I'm asking here, and I also added a post myself today in the link you mention.

The post you made on the forum suggests that you have set a default gateway on the TAP adapter ..
Do not do that.

According to the routing you posted here on the mailing list, you are not redirecting your gateway
and so you should not mess about with default gateway.

As Selva pointed out, this sounds more like a DNS issue ..

We do not have your client config or logs so this is just a guess but do not use --block-outside-dns (if you are).

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