> On 29. May 2020, at 10:47, Aleksandar Ivanisevic <aleksan...@ivanisevic.de> 
> wrote:
>> Thanks, Almost perfect! ;) Now, is there a way to send RESTART control 
>> message only to the specific client, or at least decide in runtime what the 
>> n parameter will be, as I don’t know in advance whether the server will be 
>> restarted to rebalance the clients or to change the configuration.
>> client-kill CID RESTART
>> from management interface will do that. RESTART is the default, another 
>> option being HALT. Where CID is the actual cid of the client. I am not sure 
>> whether this can be used to force move the client to the next remote.
> Sadly, it can’t , even if on the server explicit-exit-notify is set to 2 and 
> client has connect-retry 1, it always reconnects to the same peer IP.

After some digging through the source I have found it is actually possible to 
send the same command as the restarting server sends

the correct syntax is comma delimited, no spaces

client-kill id RESTART,[N]

[N] is for next server [P] is to purge saved passwords or [NP] for both

For some reason Viscosity client for Mac does not honour the N flag, although 
it claims to run 2.4.9. Is anyone aware of an option that makes the client 
ignore this flag on restart or is this a Viscosity specific “feature”?. I’ve 
tried reproducing with the command line client from homebrew, but that one 
works correctly.

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