It's possible, I won't say it's not ... LOL. FYI, all I did was add this to the 
server config file (for testing for now),
client-connect "/usr/bin/logger -t openvpn client connect successful"

And then I monitored network traffic ... tcpdump on the (syslog) sender and 
receiver end. I see the double messages both places (I started looking because 
of seeing them on the receiver, didn't believe it initially ... LMAO).


... Russell

-----Original Message-----
From: David Sommerseth <> 
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2020 8:47 AM
To: Morris, Russell <>
Cc: openvpn users list ( 
Subject: Re: [Openvpn-users] syslog, drop Port Sharing Messages

On 26/05/2020 14:48, Morris, Russell wrote:
> [...] it does trigger, but the message seems to be sent more than once? Not 
> sure why, still working through that. But I did confirm, the double send is 
> happening on the sending end (i.e. not the remote syslog).

Could it be that your script both prints data to stdout and sends log data to 

I struggle to see how the script-hook itself would be called twice in the code, 
there are some locks ensuring the "connection established" handling is only 
done once per connection.  It should also not be possible to have multiple 
--client-connect scripts configured, the later one should overwrite the prior 

kind regards,

David Sommerseth
OpenVPN Inc

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